Long Distance Friendships :-(

I'm really sorry everyone was so worried!

I had the strangest idea that if anyone texted... Mom would say something about it
I would have probably tried to dictate to her though.. so she could type whle I was hooked up.

Those stupid people....
Standing right beside me.. and the two male nurses (old
) were talking about me like I wasn't 12 inches away! "Whats she need a cardiologist for.. you said shes 23?" They chuckle chuckle
I'm right there.. and I'm like "Because I had irregularities and techacardia last year... so YEAH the DOCTORS thought I needed to see a cardiologist" ... the nurses give each other weird looks..
"So what did you come to the hospital for, young lady?" ..... me "That same cardiologist SAID I ought to go, he wouldn't even let me make a regular appointment with him until I had!"
Nurses.. "Should we even bother with an ekg?" smirk smirk.

Male nurse... "You look familiar honey... but then I never forget a pretty face"

Me... (as the nurse is done with his huge list of questions) "I have many other symptoms I'd like the doctor to know about as well" ... nurse.. "Uh huh. Whats your social again?" Me... "Social number.... AND I have been experiencing blah blah" ... nurse "Mmm hmm. Hey *other nurse dude*, what did you think of that pie?"

Lady doctor finaly comes in the room... we talk and she seems nice. I tell her I had a humongous amount of the symptoms of Lyme disease and I would really like to be tested... She agrees and smiles at me as she promises to be back soon.

Male nurse.. (mom was finally in the room) he takes some blood.. talking to mom... and she says.. "So your testing for Lyme right?" and he says "Whatever would we be testing for Lyme for?" So mom and him get in a huge argument about it and finally I hold my hand up at them both and say "Because the doctor SAID she would test me for it!"

And he bumbles out of the room.. then when he came back again I brought it up again... and finally he agreed to ask the doctor about it. He comes back (while mom was out of the room) and tells me they're ready to let me go now. Get dressed.

Fine whatever. I was ready to be out of there anyway. What bozos!

So no lyme... no much of anything. BUT WAIT! I can rest easy tonight knowing that I'm not pregnat (
an immaculate conception that would be!) I haven't inbibed any dangerous substances... and finally.. yeah, that rash on my arm really is just cracked skin and not me cutting myself.. because I wouldn't remember that either, of course


Why do these people always jump to and stick with the wrong conclusion? Why don't they have even the tiniest bit of an open mind about anything?

Why do I let myself get talked into going to doctors?

But WAIT! I am just soooo relieved to know it's not any of the things I knew it couldn't be!



I'm really sorry I made you guys worry!

I do love you all lots and lots!

Thank you for thinking of me!
Yes you are the best friend ever!

You all are!

I never thought you would be up all night
I'm really sorry Danielleey! I would have just waited until I got back to tell you I went if I thought I would make you worry
I only texted the once. I figured that if she didn't respond, there was a reason.

Don't you just hate that? They always think you're pregnant when you aren't feeling good.
When I went to get an x-ray on my knee (hurt it not too long ago) the woman asked if there was a chance that I'd be pregnant.
I told her no, and she was like, "Are you sexually active?" I just looked at her and she said, "It's okay, I won't tell your parents."
I started laughing and told her that I knew that I wasn't, but that I lived with my boyfriend, so she didn't have to worry about 'not telling on me'.

So what did your mom find out today? She said she was going to make some phone calls.
Maybe you should try another hospital. Is there more than one around you?

Same thing happened with me when my car was acting up.
Mechanic told me exactly what it was, I told him I didn't think so. He fixed what he said it was, and three days later it broke down in another city.
I refused to pay for it to be towed back to them, and refused to pay for him to fix it again.

Turns out I was right, and they fixed it and towed it for free.

Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was playing a game..
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Oh!! Toys R Us! We've got that down here, it's one of the tallest buildings in our main shopping strip too!

I've never been into toys. They just seem a bit.... weird to me. They're meant to symbolise real things like animals and babies, but yet they're so mechanical it just seems weird!

I prefer to play with my chickens or my computer
Oh, Squishy!

a) I'm so glad it wasn't anything serious!

b) They sound like a right bunch of non-professionals, especially those nurses! If going to the doctors' here was such a hassle, I certainly wouldn't bother!
Oh!! Toys R Us! We've got that down here, it's one of the tallest buildings in our main shopping strip too!

I've never been into toys. They just seem a bit.... weird to me. They're meant to symbolise real things like animals and babies, but yet they're so mechanical it just seems weird!

I prefer to play with my chickens or my computer

It's a group interview, whatever that means. Never been to one of those. Hope it's not awkward.
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NO! Bad Flare!
Your first response when she came back was to yell at her! Remember?!
I told her how disappointed I was, and you just immediately start celebrating!

Punish first, celebrate second.
Oh!! Toys R Us! We've got that down here, it's one of the tallest buildings in our main shopping strip too!

I've never been into toys. They just seem a bit.... weird to me. They're meant to symbolise real things like animals and babies, but yet they're so mechanical it just seems weird!

I prefer to play with my chickens or my computer

Yeah, I don't like toys either, but if it'll pay more or if I'll get more hours, it might be worth switching jobs.

When I called to get my hours last night, the boss told me (she was sick yesterday and didn't have the schedules done) that I could work Monday or Tuesday if I'd like.
I told her I had an 'appointment' on Monday, which is the interview..but she didn't need to know that. I don't want her to think I don't like being there, because I do. I just like to consider my options.
Plus, there's no guarantee I'll be offered a job.

It's a group interview, whatever that means. Never been to one of those. Hope it's not awkward.

That's true. You're smart to consider lots of places. I just apply for a million, get rejected for them all, then give up for about half a year then go on another applying binge, get rejected for them all again... yeah. That's how it goes! No idea how I got my current job.

Group interview, I would imagine it would be LESS awkward if anything, because everyone would be there scared about making a good impression and seeing other people making your mistakes might lighten things up a bit
NO! Bad Flare!
Your first response when she came back was to yell at her! Remember?!
I told her how disappointed I was, and you just immediately start celebrating!

Punish first, celebrate second.

I completely forgot.

*disappears from realm of BYC*

A few seconds later, a large demolition ball comes swinging towards Squishy. The huge metal killer is inches from her face when it stops in its tracks.

Flare appears. "Scared ya, didn't I?"

I gotta poof for a minute.
Hmm, maybe it'll be less awkward. Let's hope so.
I go tomorrow afternoon. I'm not really getting my hopes up on getting it, but it'd be nice.
I've only had three real jobs, counting the one at the pizza place that I've got now.
For some reason everyone is interested in me now. Couldn't get one of them to call me back about a year ago. Wonder what changed?

Good! I hope that scared her enough that she'll never forget to keep us informed again.

See ya when you get back.
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