Long journey back to chickens


Feb 6, 2025
Hi everyone! I had chickens a number of years ago. I still remember my successes and failures, but I am starting in a new county with no coop, no run and no chickens. That is as it should be, because we have bears and other predators here. I am proceeding slowly.
Eventually I want to share the coop with my nextdoor neighbor and keep a few large breed hens for eggs. I have had very good experience with Jersey Giants, but am open to other breeds that lay large eggs and that wouldn't mind our chilly winters in southern Appalachia.

Hi, it's nice to meet you! If you haven't planned on it already, it sounds like you'll want to check into electric fencing to keep your upcoming flock safe.

Good luck with all your plans, make yourself at home here!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

If you have too many predators you will want to build a big secure run for your flock and do supervised free ranging only. We have it all out here, bears included. They have never bothered the coop or run with chickens inside. Outside might be a different story however.

Welcome to our community!!

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