Look What I Can Do!!! *PIC Heavy*

That is pretty much what I am building is an 8X8 shed. I am glad that I got the book to explain some of the carpentry skills but if you know how to build there are some great free plans at http://www.apawood.org/homeproj/index.cfm. They are for different kind of sheds/outbuildings that could easily be modified to be used as coops. They have materials lists and full plans. If I outgrow this coop, I might have to think about building one of them. They are pretty neat! How is that for chicken addiction? Haven't even finished this one and already found plans for another if I need it
OK so far today is going much better. No catastrophies so I got to get going early. I have finished the left wall and it is only 1100!
Here is the wall framing started. I had to cut the studs a little longer than needed to get the right angle for the shed roof so they are not to size yet.

In this picture I temporarily put two "measuring boards" (at least that is what I am calling them) with screws at the correct height to snap the chalk line for the 21 degree angle cuts.

This picture shows the wall frame all done. I had a hard time figuring out the position for the lower cap board so I just put a stud at the shorter end where the back wall will meet the left wall and slid the cap board to it. The top cap board was a lot easier, just center on the lower board.
You can also see the frame for the additional window I am going to put in. That also gave me some heart ache becase I checked to make sure the studs were pretty square and screwed them into the cap board then screwed the second cap board on. Should have checked the distance between the two studs where the window is going. It was off by about 1/2 so I had to take the top apart, adjust the studs and then screw it all back together again.
If I would just follow my own advice I would probably make fewer mistakes!


This last picture (for now) shows the three walls and the floor just BEGGING to be put together but I still have one more wall to make!

OK back to work!
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WOW WOW WOW!!! You are killing me.. I want to build something bad now with REAL plans! Not just my "fly by the seat of my pants" 'plans"

I just emailed hubby .. He wants a pole barn when he gets back that can hold the ATV an extra car..etc.. I told him instead of hiring people to come out and build a pole barn.. Let's get garage plans and do it ourselves! would be a fun project together and large savings! (I'd think it would be huge savings??).. Of course he has no idea i've been playing with all his tools and trying to build while he's gone.. tee hee!

THanks so much for this thread.. you are inspiring me right back!!!!!!!!!!
Heather a pole barn would be even easier to make than this coop. It is the same idea just less frame work since you don't have to do windows and nest boxes!!

OK Got the last wall done and I am TIRED!!! My stack of wood that I bought yesterday is all gone so I must have done some correct figuring!!

So I did start with the frame that the nest box will slide into. I slid the nest box into it to check my measurements before going on with the rest of the frame.

Nest box frame with the bottom cripples on it (yeah I didn't know what cripples were a few weeks ago!

Starting to come to shape!

Most of the frame loosely put together to snap the chalk line at 21 degrees.

Almost finished, got the studs cut for the top plate and all the other pieces screwed together (you don't know how many times I am thankful that I am using screws!

Right wall all done!

All four walls and the floor. Now I have to decide what I am going to work on tomorrow. Do I want to do the boring leveling of the ground or do I want to get the "siding" so that it is really ready to be put up? I am not sure right now. Have to see how tired I am in the morning!

Now I can eat a little snack and then go feed the animals!
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I want to thank you for this tip. It never occured to me that an 8' 2X4 might not be 8'. I have been checking the length of the lumber now. So far, so good no short ones in the stack!
Who says you can't??!! Believe me if I can do it, anyone can!
First, I'm so sorry about you losing a girl. I lost a few to a rescue dog I'd taken in last year. Dang him.

I'm going to build a coop also, but I'm glad I don't have to try to figure out a roof as I'm starting with a 3 sided, roofed structure. Now I just have to figure out how to cut through a metal building and how to add windows and a door to it.

"Chicken Coops for Dummies" huh? Since I'm about 100 miles from anything resembling a book store, that probably wouldn't have it anyway, Amazon it is! Now if I just had the money to buy some tools and supplies.

Great job on your coop. I'm very anxious to see the final results. I am so impressed!
Pelican the book can definitely help with what you need to do. I would recommend a reciprocating (not sure if I spelled that right) saw with a metal cutting blade to cut. They are not too heavy and pretty easy to manage. I haven't used mine on this project but I have used it in the past. I used mine to trim mesquite trees when I lived in Arizona. Those trees are tough as nails and would dull a chain saw in a heart beat. The blade on the sawsall is so much easier to change out when it gets dull and a lot less expensive than a chain.
I am loving this thread too. Sorry to read about the loss of one of your chickens.

What do you think will be the cost of this coop when you are done?

I would love to build this with my ds. He is just 8 but I bet he could help. We are just using a metal shed right now,and technically it is to close to the neighbors.A coop in the far back would be legal AND we could probably have a rooster. I am thinking if I can spend a wee bit on wood at each trip dh wont be so upset over the total cost! Ah but some of that wood is long.
I wish we still had a truck so I could haul all this stuff.I would probably rent a truck and have to buy everything at one time!

Does the book list the tools needed? We have old Ryobi tools needing new batteries and some jig blades(broke the last ones).Right now I just use a regular hand saw for all my cutting(takes forever).And when I cut into the metal shed to add plexi glass windows or vent holes I use tin snips/metal cutter that I got at harbor freight.

I picked up an old Ortho basic carpentry book and this has plans for a playhouse.I think starting with this coop might be a wee bit easier.Lol,ds will hang out in there anyway whether it is a coop or a playhouse!

Thank you for the step by step pictures.Very inspiring.

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