Look what I might be taken in update post 19

of course she needs some training but I think she wil be happy even if she is only alive for a month I will be happy she is in a house
If anyone has care tips for old deaf dogs please post the link. also any good canned foods or soft kibble let me know your fav brand she has very few teeth left
that is an OLD dog. Wow.

Good luck... all I can say is, "Brush the rest of the teeth that you want her to keep!"... DAILY at this point in the last days of her life.
Awww, GOOD FOR YOU! Nobody gives the senior dogs a chance and it's very sad. I hope you get her and show her love for the remainder of her life, even if it isn't that much longer. That's what it's all about. This is wonderful
I feed my senior dog...pedigree in the can. It is for senior dogs and it say's so on the front label. I also give her senior vitamins daily. My dog is not completley deaf but she is very hard of hearing. I have started using hand signals with her and she is responding really good.... Like, I wave my hand in the air where she can see it to get her attention. When I want her to come to me then I move my hand in the "come here" motion and she comes right to me. I think once you get her home you will find what works for you and her.
God Bless You for taking her in. There are so many senior dogs that never get the chance to "go home" before they pass.....
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I have a 17 year old minpin I got around 4 years ago. She is still doing well but APA said she was in pretty poor health. She only had 2 back teeth left so they told me to feed her can food. That got a little expensive for me so now I just put a half cup a dry food in a container add water and soak overnight or at least a couple hours. Now I am not that old , but my husband and I think she is going to out live us both! I think this dog would be extremely appreciative to have a great home and good luck. Let us know.
for our deaf dogs we have found that if we tap our feet on the floor, they can feel the vibrations and look at us -- then we do the hand-signals ---

one of our 'golden-oldies' has no teeth but can still chomp down a biscuit with all the others --

she eats a combination of dry and canned food -- Pedigree works for her ---

you are an angel to give this doggie a chance for love -- it's never too late for love!

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