Looking for a Thanksgiving alternative

Because (as I mentioned previously) most of us prefer the dark meat and I'm not a fan of leftovers - especially frozen. Nothing tastes as good once cooked, frozen, thawed and cooked again IMO.

I agree - love dark meat!! Quail is dark and has (to me) an almost sweet taste. It was easy to slip them out of their skins after taking off (using scissors) their legs and wings. The legs don't have much meat on them, actually. The downside to removing the skin is that you don't have that protective layer to keep them moist. Being dark meat, they stayed pretty moist anyway. Being small they cooked fast. But plucking a quail and leaving the skin on a whole bird would be the most attractive, overall.
I’ve never before thought about this, but I would imagine the first Thanksgiving meal consisted of many meats: turkey, chicken, quail, pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, etc., whatever was plentiful in New England. And, it would have been roasted over a fire I guess.

I do believe I will try a little something different for my family too.

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