Looking for ALL Black Penedesenca owners/breeders

Ddon't kill your roosters they are extra hard to find. My experience says they have a heart condition. no problem with the hens. I have a few black hens left and no roosters to use with them.
I eat those that aren't perfect. (as perfect as mine can be currently)

I've never had heart attacks in my roos (except when a predator ate them) and I've have had a lot of roosters. I currently have one headed north so I'll be down to 3 adults but I have several adolescents starting to crow.
I also have some hatching now so I could get a couple cockerels to you - or at least one.
Im currently in Georgia and I am falling in love with these birds! We are moving to Vegas but have a friend that would take in any girls I can get my hands after we move :) Oh I want one so bad :p!
My only experience is with the Blacks. Their egg production is pretty good. Mine take a long molting break and some go broody. When they lay, they lay a lot but it seems to be more seasonal.
My only experience is with the Blacks. Their egg production is pretty good. Mine take a long molting break and some go broody. When they lay, they lay a lot but it seems to be more seasonal.
Thanks! I have a mixed flock, mostly Black Copper Marans. I'm thinking this breed would mingle nicely with my marans.

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