Looking for Alternative water solutions


Mar 12, 2025
Hi everyone, I’m a brand new chicken keeper and I’ve an chicken who refuses to drink from any sort of container. I didn’t realise until it was to late and I took her to the vets where she had to get hydrating injections.
Now I’ve discovered, she will only drink from puddles on the ground - which is hard because I’m in an extremely dry and hot climate.
I’ve currently got shallow bowls dug into the ground so they sit with ground level, of course it’s not great because they get pooped in and filled with sand within an hours. She also won’t use them.

She’s currently isolated from the rest and I’m having to swap between digging shallow holes and fill them with water and helping her drink with a syringe. Her beak is fine and she can drink the ground water so I don’t think it’s a physical problem, just a preference of hers. Sorry for the long post
Any suggestions ?
What is your current waterer? How old is this chicken?

I've never heard of this, so wondering what it's made of, if it gives off a taste or something that only she is bothered by.

I would put her in a small pen, put a dish of water you can attach to the side of the pen, make sure she's in the shade or wherever so she's not suffering temp-wise, and check that bowl throughout the day. If she's thirsty, she'll drink.

This is how we teach ours to drink from nipples...take away all other sources of water, show one how to do it, and when they get thirsty, they learn really quickly.
I’ve tried ceramic bowls and dishes, glass bowls and dishes of all varieties, plastic bowl and dishes of all variety’s.
They do have a basic plastic chicken water tank that the others use it just fine.
I’ve gently dipped her beak to but she won’t willingly drink from any of these containers.

I’ve no idea how old she is, I got her from a farm and the person didn’t know

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