Looking for Black Javas (chicks, eggs, or hens)


9 Years
Apr 7, 2015
I have a clan of Black Javas which I originally received from Garfield Farms/Chicago Museum of Science before they allowed the circumstances around COVID to kill off the breed and their involvement in propagation (long story for a another day - or a blog post).

I am very interested in sustaining this rare breed but I am not finding any sources of fresh genetics. If you know of anyone please let me know. I would prefer to pick them up rather than have them shipped. My last attempt resulted in a box of dead chicks - which I am unwilling to repeat.
I have a clan of Black Javas which I originally received from Garfield Farms/Chicago Museum of Science before they allowed the circumstances around COVID to kill off the breed and their involvement in propagation (long story for a another day - or a blog post).

I am very interested in sustaining this rare breed but I am not finding any sources of fresh genetics. If you know of anyone please let me know. I would prefer to pick them up rather than have them shipped. My last attempt resulted in a box of dead chicks - which I am unwilling to repeat.
Have you seen this website? (I know nothing about them, just popped up on a google search). Hatching eggs might be a better option for you if you have an incubator. My local cooperative extension has incubators you can rent with a deposit once a year! Good luck!

Have you seen this website? (I know nothing about them, just popped up on a google search). Hatching eggs might be a better option for you if you have an incubator. My local cooperative extension has incubators you can rent with a deposit once a year! Good luck!


I'm pretty good with Google but thank you for the link. McConnell's does not ship and they are in Atlanta - which is a very long way from me. If I find anything I will post back here.
There’s several breeders listed in the Livestock Conservancy Directory. Only thing is you’d have to email most of the to find out if the have black or mottled Javas.
Much obliged! I made my way though the list 18 months ago and got little or no responses. A few mentioned Jim Ward in Ohio but I don't think he is active any more. At least commercially.

I'll have another go at the list to see if anything shakes out. I'm at a crossroads of either getting fresh blood into my clans or finding another breed. We've had Black Javas since 2015 but a series of recent events (mainly predation) have decimated our clans.
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I'm unable to help but very interested in Black Javas.

Well, maybe an idea - if you can't find any black, can you outcross to mottled then breed out the mottled.

Or two... does Garfield Farm/Chicago Museum have any info on others in your stuation? Maybe they would pass along your request.
Garfield Farm/MSI have been a big disappointment. They threw in the towel during COVID and pretty much shut everything down. Tim Christakos at MSI was let go and nobody at Garfield Farm will respond to my calls and emails. Most of the old timers involved with Javas at Garfield during the heyday are no longer active. Livestock Conservancy has not been helpful either. I suspect they are greatly understaffed right now.

I have considered your mottled outcross idea. It isn't clear to me if Mottled Javas are really the same breed or just named similarly. I have worked hard to breed for the Auburn in the roosters while maintaining the traits of pure Black Javas so it would def be a setback. It is worth considering as a backup plan :)
Garfield Farm/MSI have been a big disappointment. They threw in the towel during COVID and pretty much shut everything down. Tim Christakos at MSI was let go and nobody at Garfield Farm will respond to my calls and emails. Most of the old timers involved with Javas at Garfield during the heyday are no longer active. Livestock Conservancy has not been helpful either. I suspect they are greatly understaffed right now.

I have considered your mottled outcross idea. It isn't clear to me if Mottled Javas are really the same breed or just named similarly. I have worked hard to breed for the Auburn in the roosters while maintaining the traits of pure Black Javas so it would def be a setback. It is worth considering as a backup plan :)
The mottled were seen along with the black and auburn back in the hey days. Then all but the black pretty much completely disappeared for a long time. Then mottled cropped up (at Garfield, I think). People went overboard at the novelty of the mottled to the extent of nearly losing the black (my take on it).

So, I think they are the same breed.

Bringing in mottled isn't an ideal solution. But I looked pretty hard for black three or four years ago and the best I found were the references to Garfield. There may be some (I didn't find you, either) but I don't know how to find them. Maybe lots of asking on social media.

There are pros and cons to the black being dominant to the mottled. You'll get more mottled cropping up even many generations later but at least you will know when you have some black.
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I think it would be a tragedy to lose the genetics of the line of Javas you have. Total amateur here, but in my opinion it would be better to breed in mottled and deal with the annoyances that brings then totally lose the genetics of your current birds. Wishing you the best of luck!

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