Looking For Kiko, & Nubian Goats


Preserving Gamefowl, 1 Variety At a Time🇮🇳🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
May 31, 2018
Tawas City, Michigan
Hello, I'm wanting to expand into goats, & the breeds above have peaked my interest as Meat, & Milkers. Will probably won't be getting any until after we move, & get settled in though.

If you, or know anyone with extras goats for free, or low fair price let me know?
Check local store bulletin boards (TSC, Rural King, your feed stores, etc. as there are always 'for sale' signs of all kinds of animals, I've seen goats on boards I've viewed. Goats always seem to be for sale no matter where one lives.
I don't use Craigslist, & don't wanna risk getting scammed.
That’s what I sale and
occasionally get goats from. I can see where your coming from though, its pretty easy to know who the scammers are vs if your talking to a real person. Scammers text involves codes and putting the whole title of the add in their text.
Check local store bulletin boards (TSC, Rural King, your feed stores, etc. as there are always 'for sale' signs of all kinds of animals, I've seen goats on boards I've viewed. Goats always seem to be for sale no matter where one lives.
Not sure if our TSC has a bulletin board anymore, at least I haven't seen one there anymore when I go in for feed.

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