Looking to confirm this freeloader and understand why she isn't laying


Jan 5, 2024

I got her in March, the same time as my other chicks that were two weeks old at the time. I was told she was a little younger, so at most 2 weeks younger. My other 4 hens have been laying somewhat regularly since late July. All different breeds. I was told this one was a white Plymouth rock that will lay white, large eggs, but she still hasn't laid an egg. By what age should I worry if she haven't started laying?

She's the only one who doesn't do that submissive squat. She's the most skiddish, the smallest, and bottom of the pecking order. I noticed some of the bigger girls will keep her from the feeder when I first refill them so I got a second feeder more recently. Could she just be a late bloomer or is there something else I should look into?

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I got her in March, the same time as my other chicks that were two weeks old at the time. I was told she was a little younger, so at most 2 weeks younger. My other 4 hens have been laying somewhat regularly since late July. All different breeds. I was told this one was a white Plymouth rock that will lay white, large eggs, but she still hasn't laid an egg. By what age should I worry if she haven't started laying?

She's the only one who doesn't do that submissive squat. She's the most skiddish, the smallest, and bottom of the pecking order. I noticed some of the bigger girls will keep her from the feeder when I first refill them so I got a second feeder more recently. Could she just be a late bloomer or is there something else I should look into?
By the looks of her I think that she is already laying, but not the expected white egg colour
Do you maybe have other brown egg layers? It's possible she is laying and you just assumed she wasn't because you thought she'd lay white.
They're all brown egg layers, different shades and sizes though. I mostly work from home and check on them multiple times a day and never see her in the nesting box or sing an egg song. I only have 5 chickens so it's easy to keep track.
By the looks of her I think that she is already laying, but not the expected white egg colour
Hopefully she will be laying soon. Her comb took longer to get dark compared to the others. I work from home and check on the chickens multiple times a day. It's easy keeping track of the 5 hens. I've never seen her in the nesting box or sing an egg song.
White rocks lay brown eggs not white. They can take 6-7 months before they start laying any heritage lines I have had take even longer. All of my rocks I have had have not laid any sooner than 6 months. She is right where she should be with that comb color and should start laying very soon.
White rocks lay brown eggs not white. They can take 6-7 months before they start laying any heritage lines I have had take even longer. All of my rocks I have had have not laid any sooner than 6 months. She is right where she should be with that comb color and should start laying very soon.
I hope this is the case! My quick Google searches told me it was earlier. My barred rock started laying early August, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

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