losing feathers around neck


9 Years
Mar 31, 2015
I adopted what owner told me was a "faverolle (sp?) and he said she was bullied, so she needed a new home, and her neck feathers had light patches of skin, no feathers. Well, her neck feathers seem to be getting less, rather than sprouting new ones. Last week, there were a few little spots on her neck, like q-tip ends - and now they're gone; and the feathers on her back of her neck have thinned as well. Doesn't seem to affect her laying, God bless her. I've never had this in a hen b4. Any ideas, please? Thnx
Can you post photos?

Could your other hens be plucking her?

You mention "Q-tip" ends, was this at the base of the feather or the very end?
Any lice or mites on the new hen?
no, she is kind of top of the peckin' order, since I got her and her buddy. The others were still peeping and these 2 are hens and lay. The "q-tip" look looks "feathery." I got some antiseptic Vetramycin and gonna try and get some on her this week. But I haven't checked for mites. I'm elderly and just getting back into having chickens - since 2022 I broke my arm and had to stop - so 2-1/2 years have passed and I'm doing my best starting again. I luv them. Very entertaining. Just wish they wdn't hang out on my deck so much, poopin'!!

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