Losing my baby chickens

Can you post a picture of the setup?
What are they eating?
Do they protection from the weather?
Have they shown any signs of sickness (Sneezing excessively, nasal discharge, crusty or gunky eyes, blood in poop?)
Could they have worms?
Do you see any mite/lice in their feathers?

I'm sorry that your chicks have been dying, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. Have you put the mother hen back in with them? It will be better if she's there to keep them warm and safe, they'll be upset without her.
I move them inside so I can keep a better eye on them. They were on medicated chick feed
You don’t have a ceramic coating on your heat lamp do you? Someone here was having the same problem and eventually found out the fumes from the coating on the heat lamp was killing her chicks. I hope you figure it out before you lose any more! Good luck!
You don’t have a ceramic coating on your heat lamp do you? Someone here was having the same problem and eventually found out the fumes from the coating on the heat lamp was killing her chicks. I hope you figure it out before you lose any more! Good luck!

I thought that at first, but I believe the OP only started using the heat lamp when the mother hen was removed.
A teflon coated light bulb will be lethal, and unfortunately teflon coated products are becoming very common.

@Mother hen 119 , I would suggest for you to put the mother hen back with her chicks, now that you know she isn't the one killing them.
I got 10 baby chicks about a week ago. Since then I have lost five of them. I do not know why I am losing my baby chicks I thought it was the mother killing them so I took her out of the pen that had the babies in it. I put a heat lamp in there to keep them warm and I found another one dead. Can anyone help me before I lose anymore I don't know why my perfectly healthy chickens are dying

yes I have checked their bottoms their bottoms or clean. Poop poop looks normal. And yes I have a area where they could go if the area with heat lamp was too hot

I had them outside in a chicken coop. Yes they had protection from the weather. They have not shown any signs of sickness running around playing drinking eating just like normal baby chicks

the baby chicks are about 4 weeks old. The hen that I had them with hatch them. But I took her out of the pen so it's just the babies by themselves now

Do you have photos of the chicks, their poop and where you are keeping them?
So you bought the hen along with her 4 week old chicks is that correct?
You've had them for one week?
What are you feeding the chicks?

At 4 weeks old, I would worry about them overheating - I would make sure they have plenty of space to get away from the heat lamp. They should not need much heat at all except maybe at night when the temperatures drop.

At that age, Coccidiosis is also a possibility, you don't report any symptoms, but that is something I would consider. Treatment is with Corid which can be found at most feed stores.

If you happen to lose another one, getting a necropsy/testing from your state vet would be a very good idea.
Do you have photos of the chicks, their poop and where you are keeping them? I moved them in side yesterday and took the light off of them. U can try ang get a picture of the poop.
So you bought the hen along with her 4 week old chicks is that correct? Yes
You've had them for one week? Yes almost 2 weeks now
What are you feeding the chicks? Medicated chicken feed
They have chirped all night long. A loud constant chirp


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