Losing weight


Mar 15, 2025
We have a 2 year old hen that doesn’t seem to have any obvious physical problems, vent is good, feet are normal, poop is watery, but she’s losing weight and hasn’t laid in a few months and we can’t figure out what’s going on. Her breast bone is very pronounced because I think she’s malnourished. She seems to be eating ok but doesn’t seem excited when we give them snacks like the rest of the girls do. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated . Thanks
Is her crop functioning normally? Does it feel empty, full, hard, soft & squishy, etc? Check it first thing in the morning before she has access to food and water, it should be completely empty then, if it is not that can indicate a problem. Have you ever wormed her, or had a fecal done to check for internal parasites?
Image of a very full crop:
I think she may be malnourished though we do see her eating at times. Her breast bone is very prominent and I feel feel her esophagus tube as well. We’re thinking about deworming her but it seems strange that the other chickens are fine.
Just because they look fine, doesn’t mean they are, Chickens hide ailments VERY WELL and they might have stronger immune systems then this girl.

• can I have a picture of her
•Worm the Whole flock
•Has the feed changed recently
•what are you feeding her on
• what %protein and calcium levels in the feed please
•how old is she
•Check her crop for abnormal lumps
•Do you free range them?
•do they get treats such as corn or kitchen scraps
•do they have access to grit and fresh water.
• Have you had extreme heat over this time
• what season are you in, she may be moulting.

Please answer all the questions above and it will help me rule out things and put together an overall solution to what might be going on
Thank you for thinking about her.
Food has not changed. It’s 18% protein but we add grit and oyster shells to it. She’s 2 years old. I don’t feel any abnormal lumps in her crop but the breast bone is very prominent so hard to feel. They do not free range except for a couple hrs a day. Their run and coop are kept cleaned and change often. They have two water buckets in their run. They do get kitchen scraps, mostly vegetables, sprouts and sometimes chicken skin. We live in Utah so just coming into spring, it’s been cold. She’s not moulting.
We isolated her today and she ate and drank fine. Her poop is green and liquid. We have deworming today as well.
Thanks again!
Thank you for thinking about her.
Food has not changed. It’s 18% protein but we add grit and oyster shells to it. She’s 2 years old. I don’t feel any abnormal lumps in her crop but the breast bone is very prominent so hard to feel. They do not free range except for a couple hrs a day. Their run and coop are kept cleaned and change often. They have two water buckets in their run. They do get kitchen scraps, mostly vegetables, sprouts and sometimes chicken skin. We live in Utah so just coming into spring, it’s been cold. She’s not moulting.
We isolated her today and she ate and drank fine. Her poop is green and liquid. We have deworming today as well.
Thanks again!
I wouldn't mix grit or oyster shells in her feed, as both of those items they know what they need and if they don't need it, they won't eat it. We put those in separate dishes.

Green liquid poop is a sign of not eating. It'll change if she's eating and drinking again! I was going to suggest syringe feeding mash and water to her but no need if she's getting enough of each on her own.

I wouldn't deworm a sick chicken, especially if you don't know for sure she's got worms. Maybe wait a couple of days, and if she's stronger, then do it.

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