Lost 2 hens super suddenly last week and 1 yesterday have started treatment for Cocidia. Not sure if i should treat for worms also. I haven't seen any


Jun 16, 2023
I'm not sure what to do someone told me my flock was too old to get cocidia that I should treat for worms. I haven't seen any and everything I've looked at it looks like cocidis to me. The remaining 6 hens and rooster are acting normally eating,and drinking. They aren't currently laying but I'm thinking that's from stress. I want to do the right thing for my flock and I don't want to lose anymore. Thank you!
I would go ahead and finish the Corid treatment that you started. Give the maximum dosage of 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder in each gallon of water. Are they new to you? If so, they can get coccidiosis from a new strain they have not developed a tolerance for. What symptoms are you seeing to think of coccidiosis? Worms can look like coccidiosis, and you cannot see most worm eggs in poop. You might see a round worm or the more rare tapeworm segment. Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer are good wormers that are given orally. I can give dosages.
I'm not sure what to do someone told me my flock was too old to get cocidia that I should treat for worms. I haven't seen any and everything I've looked at it looks like cocidis to me. The remaining 6 hens and rooster are acting normally eating,and drinking. They aren't currently laying but I'm thinking that's from stress. I want to do the right thing for my flock and I don't want to lose anymore. Thank you!
So sorry for your loss. How old?
I would go ahead and finish the Corid treatment that you started. Give the maximum dosage of 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder in each gallon of water. Are they new to you? If so, they can get coccidiosis from a new strain they have not developed a tolerance for. What symptoms are you seeing to think of coccidiosis? Worms can look like coccidiosis, and you cannot see most worm eggs in poop. You might see a round worm or the more rare tapeworm segment. Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer are good wormers that are given orally. I can give dosages.
I'm currently doing the 2 tsp in a gallon of water daily. I started it Saturday. Lethargic, green poop,not eating, drinking. I had one that I didn't think was going to make it but I was able to syringe some of the corid water into her and the next day she was acting normal again. I have a a-hole rooster so I'm really able to handle my girls much. Is there anyway I can do a water treatment ? Also should I follow through and reduce the corrid amount ? I'm going to get some rooster booster for afterwards. I really appreciate your help! This is the first issue we've had since getting them as chicks.

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