Lost 3 chicks in one day


May 19, 2024
So I’m somewhat new to chicks. I had plenty growing up but this is my first starter flock since I’ve moved out. They’re all about a week old. All of them have been doing great! Well all of a sudden yesterday over the span of 6 hours I had 3 of my girls just die. I check my babies every night for pasty butt. They’re eating medicated starter food. I’ve lost a barred rock, Americauna, and cream leg bar. I’m not sure what happened or if it was anything I did or didn’t do. My friend who also got hers from TSC has had one a day die for the last four days. If anyone has some insight I’m all ears!
Photo of the brooder setup? What is your bedding that you use. When was the feed manufactured?Could there be mold that has gotten into it? Were the chicks energetic the day before they died or were they somewhat slow? Were the chicks shipped to you or did you get them from a feed store?
There is a lot of questions but they all can help narrow things down :)
Sorry for your loss. How long had the chicks been at the feed store? Did they seem alert and active or did any have pasty butt when you got them? What are you feeding? Do they have a heat source indoors or outside? I would get all drinking some electrolyte or sugar water. Dip beaks to get them drinking. How are the others acting now? Are any hunched or lethargic? How many chicks did you bring home. A picture of your set up might help.
Photo of the brooder setup? What is your bedding that you use. When was the feed manufactured?Could there be mold that has gotten into it? Were the chicks energetic the day before they died or were they somewhat slow? Were the chicks shipped to you or did you get them from a feed store?
There is a lot of questions but they all can help narrow things down :)
I’ve noticed they’ve been somewhat slow the day before, sleeping more and separating themselves from the rest. I lost another this morning. I was worried about her so I separated her and had been syringe feeding her water and mush. I got them from Tractor supply. I don’t believe the food had mold. The others are are all very active and eating and drinking fine. They have a heat lamp and plenty of room to get away from the heat. I have them in a big food trough from tsc. They aren’t huddling up together as if any are cold.
Sorry for your loss. How long had the chicks been at the feed store? Did they seem alert and active or did any have pasty butt when you got them? What are you feeding? Do they have a heat source indoors or outside? I would get all drinking some electrolyte or sugar water. Dip beaks to get them drinking. How are the others acting now? Are any hunched or lethargic? How many chicks did you bring home. A picture of your set up might help.
I’m not sure how long they were at the feed store but I’m fairly certain the barred rocks were quite a bit older. They’re twice the size of any of the others. I had a total of 15 now down to 11. They are eating medicated starter food. Right now my last barred rock is acting somewhat lethargic. This is after one more died this morning. Basically it’s been the first 6 I got last Sunday that are slowly dying off. I have 2 left from them. The others I got Thursday. All of them are active and not showing any signs of distress or disease. I’m wondering if it was something within the hatchery they came from since it’s only been the ones from that first batch of them.
Sometimes there could have been shipping stress (too cold, too hot, rough handling, or too long in transit,) a bad hatch, or they could have picked up something from the older chicks. Was there any bullying? Have you seen any runny poops or any with possible blood? It would not hurt to treat them for coccidiosis if any are lethargic. Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid Corid per gallon of water for 5-7 days.
Sometimes there could have been shipping stress (too cold, too hot, rough handling, or too long in transit,) a bad hatch, or they could have picked up something from the older chicks. Was there any bullying? Have you seen any runny poops or any with possible blood? It would not hurt to treat them for coccidiosis if any are lethargic. Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid Corid per gallon of water for 5-7 days.
I haven’t noticed any bullying and as far as their poop I haven’t seen blood. I’ve been watching for that. However my barred rock that’s still alive does have watery poo with some white stuff in it. No blood tho. The rest are fine

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