Lost Chicken! Help!


Apr 24, 2024
I adopted 2 new hens last night from a family who lives a few miles away. I am rebuilding my flock after predator attacks. They spent the night in the garage in a large dog crate. Today I went to put them in their pen, there was some unexpected interference from my dog, and both chickens escaped. They ran into the woods - I'm in a densely wooded area with a lot of predators. One of the chickens has come back to the coop/run and I was able to get her in the pen but the other one has not come back. I'm surprised that they separated unless the other one was already eaten by something. It's been about 2 hours. My dog and I have been outside the whole time and I haven't heard any predator attacks/activity in that area. I've been walking around calling her name, scattering treats, etc. and I can't find her - haven't seen or heard her, and she's black so that doesn't help me (although maybe that'll help hide her from predators). Anything I can do to help her find her way home?
Will she come back on her own, even though she's never been in my coop before?
Thank you!
How heartwrenching. So sorry!

If she can fly, did you check in bushes and trees? My silkies can't fly so at most maybe they could jump into a bush. Most other chickens can fly and might take to a tree.

She also might already be used to the words, "Here chicky, chicky," which most of us use when calling our chickens. I'd also rattle a plastic bag with some feed in it as that sound might be familiar to her.

I'd normally say to take your dog with you through the woods, but since your dog is what scared her to begin with, maybe that's not a great idea.
How heartwrenching. So sorry!

If she can fly, did you check in bushes and trees? My silkies can't fly so at most maybe they could jump into a bush. Most other chickens can fly and might take to a tree.

She also might already be used to the words, "Here chicky, chicky," which most of us use when calling our chickens. I'd also rattle a plastic bag with some feed in it as that sound might be familiar to her.

I'd normally say to take your dog with you through the woods, but since your dog is what scared her to begin with, maybe that's not a great idea.
Thank you so much. I've been in there as much as I can - there's a lot of brush, not many paths, but haven't seen her in the trees. However, that would be a good thing I think because maybe she could hide from predators? I think she can fly a little. She's an easter egger and pretty svelt. I know her previous owners used to clap their hands and yell "girls!" to get the hens to come back so I'll keep trying. Feed bag is a good idea too.
Can you find out from the previous owner how she was called? I mean what method they use...name (which it sounds like you alreasy know), other phrases/sounds, shaking treat jar, etc? They may have some suggestions. Hope you find her. Poor thing.

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