Lost my birds to a cat (need advice)

Sorry guys for being so brutal about such a sensitive topic. I have never had a cat but I can understand that people must love them as much as I love my dog (which is a LOT). You'd think that cats would stay away from our house with a large dog running around, he has no qualms about chasing after a cat and would probably 'play' with it if he caught it. Anyway, they wouldn't be that careless.
After reading everyone's comments (which are hugely appreciated) I am apt to believe that it was a fox that got most of them. We have seen some around recently, a pair, which is a little worrying because that means there may be cubs coming. I'm going to try a set a trap and if I do catch a fox then the local farmer with a gun is going to deal with it. Sorry to those who don't like unnecessary killing but I feel it IS necessary.

On the upside we went on a little chicken shopping spree. The pens have been reinforced with everything we could think of (mostly electric fencing and solid metal mesh/bars). We bought 4 little lavender pekins hens, 1 Ixworth cockeral and 5 Ixworth hens, so we are all chickened up again

Once again, thanks everyone who commented. I'm not sure if I would have even been able to do anything to the cat even if it WAS killing all my birds...
Wow, sorry about that. Is it legal to kill wildlife there? In Missouri, we can not kill any wildlife, even a snake.
Here is what the statutes are in MO.

Chapter 4 of Missouri's Wildlife Code, rule 3 CSR 10-4.110 reads:"No bird, fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal or other form of wildlife, including their homes, dens, nests and eggs in Missouri shall be molested, pursued, taken, hunted, trapped, tagged, marked, enticed, poisoned, killed, transported, stored, served, bought, sold, given away, accepted, possessed, propagated, imported, exported or liberated to the wild in any manner, number, part parcel or quantity, at any time, except as specifically permitted by these rules and any laws consistent with Article IV, sections 40-46 of the Constitution of Missouri."

Someone posted this on one of the other topics I subscribe to when we were discussing killing copperhead snakes - which is illegal.
This, "except as specifically permitted by these rules and any laws consistent with Article IV, sections 40-46 of the Constitution of Missouri."

opens a very large flood gate and also means that you have to read more than what was just posted.

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