Lots of fluid build up


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
Good morning,

I have a 16 month old EE with a lot of fluid in her abdomin (?).

She laid an egg Wednesday evening and had been eating well up until last night.

I gave her a calcium tablet Wednesday evening.

I started enroflaxin 10% Thursday morning to hopefully help if there is an infection.

The area is soft but definitely a large amount of fluid in there.

Vet is not an option this time his hours and mine absolutely do not line up, I’ve tried.

Is there anything I can do to help her outside of draining the fluid myself? I have no one to help hold her and I have not done it before.
Last time I had this happen even 2 weeks under a vet’s care and guidance did not help, we still had to euthanize.

Draining her will make her more comfortable.
This lady is a vet and shows how to do it by yourself.


If you happen to have a cat litter bucket they are helpful for some things where you don't have help. You could lightly wrap the chicken in a towel and put her in face first. She should be calm enough to work with. You also don't need to catch the fluid in a container unless you want to see it. That might make it easier.

When the pic comes through from my phone I'll add a picture.

The Enrofloxacin may work. I currently have an 11 year old hen that I thought I would need to drain. I also gave the antibiotic and her fluid went down. So far no need to drain her.

Is your hen panting or uncomfortable sitting? If so you may want to try draining so she is more comfortable.

Reproductive infections are common and tough to fight. You're doing the best you can do.

Thank you. I will watch the video and see if I can summon the nerves to do it.

I just came to check on her again and she had a HUGE, somewhat watery, poop. She was on her roost to avoid stepping in it, what a good girl:) lol

I cleaned the cage and offered more scrambled egg and made a new batch of mash and she is eating the heck out of it. I wonder if that BM made her a lot more comfortable 🤷🏼‍♀️ she is drinking also.

No panting, and the squatting has been somewhat improving over the last 24 hours. I’ll attach a picture of the night I brought her in (1st one) and the current stance after that last poop.

A picture of your set up with the cat litter container would be greatly helpful for me, and anyone who comes across this thread!

Edit to add: we have confirmed MD and MG so I have learned to have guarded hope:( but I still keep at it thinking maybe this time it will work out.
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It's good that she is eating well. That is a good sign.
I would just keep checking the swelling and if it's going down I would hold off on draining.

I have laid a chicken on their back in this so I could work on bumble foot with no problem. So I think with a light towel wrapping you could stand one in this and have easy access to their backside.
They can't see any place to go so should stand still.


That is a great idea! And I just happen to have some of those! Thanks!

And her poop is showing some infection from my past experiences. The fluid would appear to be building up more but she is acting more perky with her roosting and preening. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they turn around. Sick, doing better, deathly sick, improvement, then it’s too late. All in a matter of days sometimes🤯

Might be a stupid question but… can a chicken lay an egg in this state? She felt very full like this on Wednesday evening before she laid her egg. She came out of the nest box and continued squatting and I felt the exact same fullness as before her laying so I decided to bring her inside. Could there be another egg? She lays in the nest box for a while when I place it in the crate. Has not laid one though.

It's possible she has another egg on the way. The fluid build up is probably creating pressure and taking up some space so it might be a little more work to pass the egg.

The extra calcium will help with the muscle contractions needed to push out the egg. Are her egg shells good and hard?

I would also give any calcium separate from the antibiotic.

Yes, sick birds are a mystery. Some I was sure would pull through have died and some I was sure would die bounced back.

You can just do what you can and hope for the best.

It's possible she has another egg on the way. The fluid build up is probably creating pressure and taking up some space so it might be a little more work to pass the egg.

Would this equate to her looking better despite her abdomen getting harder?
The extra calcium will help with the muscle contractions needed to push out the egg. Are her egg shells good and hard?

I would also give any calcium separate from the antibiotic.

I did not give her one yesterday since she laid that egg and I thought it was fluid. I’ll give her another right now.
Yes, sick birds are a mystery. Some I was sure would pull through have died and some I was sure would die bounced back.

Amen to that!
You can just do what you can and hope for the best.
Thank you, sometimes I wonder if I tried too hard and they suffered or if I made the decision too quick and they could have recovered. You are correct, we do all we can and we have to know this in our heart.
Would this equate to her looking better despite her abdomen getting harder?
It's possible. Or the antibiotics are starting to work.

If her shells are good and solid she won't need too much extra calcium if she is getting it in her feed.

I have had some that had reproductive infections and their shells weren't great. I figure that if there is swelling internally it's best to have a sturdy shell on any eggs coming out so the hen can pass it easier and less chance of the egg breaking.

She laid her egg yesterday, none today. Shes eating and free ranging as normal. I’ve given her 3 days of the enroflaxin but she still feels like she has some fluid. She is walking just fine, no squatting. Should I continue with the antibiotic for another 2 days?
And if her shells are good, do I need to give another calcium tomorrow? I did not give one today.

Or just wait and see at this point?

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