Susan Skylark
Can you name any mad (or not so mad) scientists in history or fiction? Spock, Dr. Jekyl, Doc (back to the future)…I hope so because I’m drawing mostly blanks! Today is Day 3 for almost 3 dozen quail eggs that have volunteered to be part of a notorious experiment wherein we will try to discern if it is egg turning (or lack thereof) or storage temp (room or fridge) that affects hatching rate in stored eggs. I collected eggs over a 72 hour period and divided them equally between three test groups and stored them accordingly for a minimum of 72 hours. I just candled them and most seem to be developing (so fertility isn’t an issue and development isn’t affected rather hatchability is what we are after). Test groups are room temp no turning during storage, and then 2 fridge groups one turned and the other not. Stay tuned and think of some great scientific names (sorry, no binomials!).