Made a mistake

If the yolk was absorbed your days are off. He was ready today and possibly even stuck so he would have died if you didn't break the egg. Usually they've pipped the outside of the shell even before the yolk is fully absorbed.

I've heard of people throwing them in the trash can and then walking past a peeping trash can.
There really isn't a reason to get rid of rotten eggs that close to hatching unless you are afraid they are reaching explosion stage. If it's not easily identifiable then it's probably not that bad and you might as well wait until hatching is done. Also hatching chicks do produce a smell. My bators stink at the end of hatching day. At the end of hatch I candle and tap a hole in the end of every egg that didn't hatch before throwing it away. I used to break them all open completely but now I know what I'll find just by looking in the hole I make.
The chick was doing better this morning so we put it out with its mom. She had 3 chicks hatch sometime last night or this morning. I brought them back in 2hrs ago because it was going to storm and I wanted to keep a close eye on them. My oldest DD dropped the light on it while putting it on the tank and killed it. She cried for about 30mins and will not go back around them. It was doing really well it was up moving around. It could not stand up at all but would move around on its belly.
Give her a hug from me and let here know she's not the only one to do that. I had just got 7 beautiful chicks from TSC I picked them out so they were very special to me. They were very loud and I thought they were cold so I turned the heat on in the car and that seemed to help. I came home and put the box they came in in a plastic container I was going to use for them. I turned on the heat lamp and 5 minutes later I didn't hear anything. I killed them all. I cried for days, they didn't have any ware to go. I thought I had a 100 w bulb in it and it was a 250w.

So please tell her accidents happen.

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