Made my own feed

Perris, I have read what is here, I am not blind, dense, obtuse, biased, or uneducated. Well, I am biased against commercial feed being more nutritious and cheaper than commercial feed. When I type replies sometimes they can be a generalized and not include every person involved.

You say I am not reading what's written and choosing my preferred source. I said fish flakes are fishmeal. Even Stromcrow listed many fish flake companies with their ingredients. The first ingredient in the first one stromcrow listed is fishmeal. Most others stromcrow listed said fishmeal or salmonmeal (which is fishmeal).

I do not trust ai, microsoft, google, or any other source at their word. You must find dissenting views on a subject and make an informed decision. Now that I have made this clear, I will repeat what I said. Fish flakes are dried up ground fish (fishmeal). Yes, some companies add ingredients to it, but without the fishmeal, it is not a product.

If i take a chicken breast and put it in a brine with water salt sugar dried basil cayenne pepper overnight and then dry off the chicken breast and put salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, smoked paprika, dried cumin, brown sugar, and then heat treat it in a smoker grill or an oven and then pull it out, it is still called chicken breast even though I put so much other ingredients on it.

Do you prefer wikipedia? It is there if you want to read it.
It is good to read that you read widely. And you cite several that have been cited to you - but not the only one that is from a non-commercial site, with no vested interest in selling you something. To wit, the NOAA leaflet cited by Saysfaa that is just 2 pages long and includes the following: "Traditionally, diets for carnivorous fish contained over 50% fishmeal and oil. These percentages have decreased as alternative feed sources continue to be developed"... "Through these replacements, reliance on raw marine materials for aquaculture feeds is steadily declining. A Nature article found that fish-based ingredient use for Atlantic salmon has declined from 90% in the 1990s to 25% in2020"..."The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the use of the amino acid taurine for fish feed, further providing fish farmers with options to reduce our nation’s reliance on feed made of other fish"

And they observe that this development lets the USA catch up with other nations, who have apparently been substituting plants for fish for years.
Hello None of these links say that fish flakes are not primarily made of fish. When I said fish flakes are just dried up ground fish (fishmeal) I didn't mean that they don't add other ingredients to it. They do add ingredients to the fishmeal or salmonmeal for preservation reasons. But the main ingredient is fish flakes is fishmeal or any other common water creature such as shrimp.
not necessarily. Read the leaflet again, more carefully.
It is good to read that you read widely. And you cite several that have been cited to you - but not the only one that is from a non-commercial site, with no vested interest in selling you something. To wit, the NOAA leaflet cited by Saysfaa that is just 2 pages long and includes the following: "Traditionally, diets for carnivorous fish contained over 50% fishmeal and oil. These percentages have decreased as alternative feed sources continue to be developed"... "Through these replacements, reliance on raw marine materials for aquaculture feeds is steadily declining. A Nature article found that fish-based ingredient use for Atlantic salmon has declined from 90% in the 1990s to 25% in2020"..."The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the use of the amino acid taurine for fish feed, further providing fish farmers with options to reduce our nation’s reliance on feed made of other fish"

And they observe that this development lets the USA catch up with other nations, who have apparently been substituting plants for fish for years.
The NOAA is a US government agency. The US government has the absolute biggest vested interest in selling you something.

Nothing you put in bold or quoted says that fish flakes are not primarily fishmeal.

"Diets for "carnivorous" fish contained over 50% fishmeal and oil."

So for "carnivorous" fish they reduced fishmeal and oil. Did they reduce both fishmeal and oil or just oil or just fishmeal? Did it say a percentage of fishmeal in the new product to show that it is not primarily fishmeal? Or are you just assuming more and comphrehending less? Please do not belittle me again.
The NOAA is a US government agency. The US government has the absolute biggest vested interest in selling you something.

Nothing you put in bold or quoted says that fish flakes are not primarily fishmeal.

"Diets for "carnivorous" fish contained over 50% fishmeal and oil."

So for "carnivorous" fish they reduced fishmeal and oil. Did they reduce both fishmeal and oil or just oil or just fishmeal? Did it say a percentage of fishmeal in the new product to show that it is not primarily fishmeal? Or are you just assuming more and comphrehending less? Please do not belittle me again.
I did not belittle you. I tried to help you understand. But I won't waste your time or mine on that any more.
I like the idea of raising minnows. That might be a workable option for many people. It almost works for me.

I think feeding the whole fish would be better than feeding the parts left after the more valuable parts are extracted.

If I hadn't passed on my share of the stock tanks from the farm I grew up on, I would use a 2x8 or 2x10 ft tank. I have well water so chlorine isn't a problem in the initial fill or when adding water to keep the water level up or to adjust the temperature. People with chlorinated water can let the chlorine dissipate with time or aeration.

It needs aeration. If electricity is available, there are quite a few options. Without electricity, I would try a water- or wind-powered version first. Solar might work better for some locations. I like avoiding solar panels and batteries because they are so hard on the environment.

It probably needs shade in most locations to keep the temperature down. Or insulation - maybe burying it. Too much shade and the algae won't grow well.

Clay pots stacked in the tank would do for hiding places and spawning places.

For feed, which kind of algae matters a lot. I would inoculate the minnow tank with selected algae from my pond. I'm pretty sure I have a right kind(s) and I know that source is uncontaminated. I don't how to source algae in other regions.

Throwing random decaying material in seems very risky. And I would not feed the poop of one species to another species meant as feed for the first species. The ick factor isn't important to me but that practice is known to cause problems in general too many times to risk it when there is no good reason to.

I don't know which dead things (or living things besides algae) to try without looking up the natural diet of the species of minnows available to try. I looked up a few minnow species; it shouldn't be too hard to find a workable combination.

I think it could work well if one doesn't count the cost of the tank and aeration.

It would take increasingly more management the smaller the tank.

Or sectioning off a pond or pool of a river may work. I'm not going to try it in my pond until I think of a way to keep the raccoons out of the minnow area without checking on the fencing more than every few weeks. Hm, maybe a cage made of metal lathe?
Hello Decaying material can be anything from the forest, not poop. Dried leaves, sticks, bark will start to decay under water with proper oxygen and microbes. With the organic material in the water and a dissolved oxygen source mircrobes can be plentiful.

Fathead minnows have good nutrition quality.

The cost of aeration in a normal stock tank size tank will be pennies to dollars per month not tens of dollars.
I know my posts are followed by many. I aoplogize. I try to avoid BYC when I'm feeling less than charitable and am aware of my struggles with social interactions at times. Should have done so yesterday.

While I stand by my words, which more or less summarize my beliefs, it was inappropriate to reduce some of them to print, and ultimately unhelpful to the conversation.

Please have a cup of coffee with me, then go out and enjoy your chickens.☕
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I know my posts are followed by many. I aoplogize. I try to avoid BYC when I'm feeling less than charitable and am aware of my struggles with social interactions at times. Should have done so yesterday.

While I stand by my words, which more or less summarize my beliefs, it was inappropriate to reduce some of them to print, and ultimately unhelpful to the conversation.

Please have a cup of coffee with me, then go out and enjoy your chickens.☕
Hello I think everyone accepts your apology. Thank you.

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