Maine:Looking for Special Family for Golda


Apr 16, 2021
I am looking for a home for Golda, my pretty 2.5 year old Dark Brahma hen who is crippled. She has a leg deformity and can no longer stand. She lays eggs still, and is one resilient hen! She hauls herself around like a trooper, good distances. I do lift her into the coop at night. She insists on getting out of the coop herself. It’s not pretty, but she’s independent!

With winter approaching I would love her to be someone’s pet & get the spoiling she deserves. *I have a makeshift chair and sling for her to be off the ground, but it only works inside.

Despite having a flock I adore, none of them tolerate Golda. She wants to be with them, but gets bullied daily - despite my best efforts. I partitioned a space for her, but she did not want to be separated from the rest. If I bring her inside for the winter, she won’t be accepted back. (Also I have a standard poodle who has the natural prey instinct for birds & would require careful monitoring!).

I love this determined, gentle hen, she won’t be rehomed just anywhere. I am checking to see if there’s a special person who’d pamper her! She is in good healthy, a bit tattered from moulting and the pecking. Away from the others & off the ground more, her feathers would soon be perfect again!


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I would take her if I could but I don’t have the room. I understand the winters though because I am in NH your neighboring state. I hope you find her a good home!
By deformity do you mean she was born with this? If so why is unable to walk like she used to? Maybe its a deficiency her condition could be improved by adding certain nutrients to her feed. I live in WV so I'm too far to take her.Sad when a gal only 2 1/2 yrs old can't walk suddenly
I had a hen that got a broken hip in a predator attack and kept her in a dog crate for over a month in my bedroom .I put her back out in the coop once she was well enough to hop. She healed in about 4-6 months
By deformity do you mean she was born with this? If so why is unable to walk like she used to? Maybe its a deficiency her condition could be improved by adding certain nutrients to her feed. I live in WV so I'm too far to take her.Sad when a gal only 2 1/2 yrs old can't walk suddenly
My error- she was born with it and hasn’t been able to walk, the leg is too long and bends behind her. I forget the formal diagnosis. She was seen by a vet, he gave a grim prognosis. She isn’t sad or sickly! It’s just hard for a chicken to not be able to walk, roost etc. She’s a solid size Brahma. 😊

I don’t need to rehome her. If there was someone who was experienced with special needs or had another house chicken, I know she’d just have more interaction.

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