
Milestone reached at the post above this one.
Good job Maine~

I'm back home with an empty incubator. So wish I could have gotton poultry with me this time.
Sad... no more special chickens.

I guess look on the bright side, I get to start searching around for other really interesting breeds to play with.
Any suggestions? The incubator is itching to be used.
I'll gladly pay shipping.

EDIT: Love the sperm roulette saying. I guess that's what its like to be an egg in most backyard flocks.
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I have one very similar to him and he is a very good rooster! He lets us pick him up and he is great with the ladies!
I guess look on the bright side, I get to start searching around for other really interesting breeds to play with.
Any suggestions? The incubator is itching to be used.
I'll gladly pay shipping.

EDIT: Love the sperm roulette saying. I guess that's what its like to be an egg in most backyard flocks.

Not great breeds, but I'd happily send you some sperm roulette eggs.

hey everyone just checking in, been over a week! We processed our Cornish in a rush one week ago and got them all in the freezer...what a day! I have been in Lincoln teaching all week and barely home with Jules for the weekend, but..we just had the most wonderful chicken meal we have ever experienced!

Admittedly Jules had a bit of a hard time but after the first on! It. Was. Delicious!

We are at no fewer than 12 eggs a day from the girls and the kids and I love it, I will be transporting some breakfast goodies to some friends in Lincoln this coming week and if they are nice...I may even donate some to the fire department!

Hope you are all well and enjoying the waning days of summer,be safe!

Yankee: My girls have been 100% for well over a week now. Congrats on your son's bear. I once had a chance to try shake and bake bear, and thought it was pretty good. Would I be too forward if I asked what you do for per-diem work? There are quite a few people who work in the medical field on this site!
I agree - canning is a full time job. I work per diem, and we were sure to NOT have me scheduled for work the past week and next, and on a limited schedule for the next month.

Hopefully kitty is just out for the day walking around and does come back.

We were up until midnight last night...a rare thing for our house. We're hunters, and my 11 year old son shot his first bear....384 pounds! It is huge! What a blessing this food will be in the cold winter months.

Are you all finding that your hens are laying better? Mine are. Gone from barely 3 eggs a day up to 6 yesterday!
Widget: nice looking rooster. Is a tetra tint a white egg layer? Leghorn cross? With what?
Wow this thread is at 1000 pages and almost at 10000 posts.

Thought I would share a picture of my Tetra Tint rooster. He is white with some tan tail feathers. Nothing fancy but he is friendly and keeps an eye on his flock. I also figured out I have two tom Royal Palm turkeys and two hens plus one hen Bourbon Red. So my hopes to have a at least a breeding trio worked out.

Quailtrail: So sorry about Miss Tubby. She hopefully suffered a syndrome called "GORK" that won't be contagious. (God only really knows.) Have you tried doing an autopsy? Had she been demonstrating any pre-laying behavior? (squatting, checking out the nest box, singing the egg song?)
Soooo sad. Went to let the girls out and one was dead
our EE Miss Tubby. No trauma nothing on her just gone. The other 2 are running about the yard and appear fine. They are about 15-16weeks old. Any idea what happened? Are my other girls at risk???
IZZY: What's that ?dog in you avatar picture??? Fishers are quite the animal. One of the few that will kill and eat a porcupine. I know that we have them in our neighborhood. If you want some scary stuff for nightmare material, do some research on them!
It was much too big to be a weasel. I'm actually worried it may have been a fisher cat. Either way, we'll be going over the coop and run again tomorrow with more hardware cloth, just to be sure!
Does anyone know if the Windsor fair will still have a poultry exhibit thought tomorrow? It looks like they are open tomorrow but I don't know if its worth the ride for the last day. (Don't wanna make the trip to find a stripped down version of the fair).
the birds in the show are not released from the show hall until usually 3:00pm, but if it's raining, they sometimes release them to go home earlier. some birds are for sale but not many sale birds left. I left there at 5:00pm, there were a few pairs of call ducks, some young barred rock bantams cockerels and a buff orp rooster. a total of 354 birds in the show.
Does anyone know if the Windsor fair will still have a poultry exhibit thought tomorrow? It looks like they are open tomorrow but I don't know if its worth the ride for the last day. (Don't wanna make the trip to find a stripped down version of the fair).
Hoppy--thanks for letting me know! I'm not lookin to buy just yet, but thought it would be nice to see the birds in person and see what we might want when we ae ready. Pictures are great, but nothing beats seeing them in real life. :) I just didn't want to make the trip and find them all off to their homes. Yay!
Hoppy--thanks for letting me know! I'm not lookin to buy just yet, but thought it would be nice to see the birds in person and see what we might want when we ae ready. Pictures are great, but nothing beats seeing them in real life.
I just didn't want to make the trip and find them all off to their homes. Yay!

According to the fairs facebook page pretty much everything is cancelled today.

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