
Am i strange if i say that i don't have a dog, but would love to have a couple of buckets of dog poo for that very reason? I'm sure a one time application would not be sufficient. I have yet to resort to asking my friends to bring me their dog poo. It's odd enough when i ask them to save their orange peels! I've heard a lot of folks say that the motion sensor lights don't really work well. The wild life gets acclimated to them.
I know how you feel....I built a new coop this year. I feel that the coop is strong, but I didn't use hardware cloth. I thought I would save money and use what I had on, I think I'm going to wrap it again, as well as underneath the outdoor enclosure...Idk I'm just worried about the little ones.

Maybe they should just stay in house with us
Yes. Wanting a bucket of dog poo is strange and people will slowly edge away.

Nah, I'm sure your friends will love for you to come scoop it off their yard lol

Maybe habanaro spay or I was just reading about motion detection water
We have plenty to go around. Actually, I have a big trash bag full of the stuff if you want it. We're staying in a rental house right now and have a big bag collecting it. PM me if you're serious about it

Motion detector sprinklers seem genius! I will have to look into that.

@Heatherschix - the lady caretaking my adult chickens uses the hardware cloth all around the coop including the underside. That's the point of entry the fox uses apparently. Sneaky devil...
I wont be happy until I do it. I put large chicken wire under the enclosure....but feel it's not good enough.

I think now that the chicken wire only keeps the chooks in, but the predators can get in.

I'm going to need a truck load of this hardware cloth.

I just saw a raccoon come up to my old bird feeder (I stopped feeding them weeks ago) last night at about 6:30...still light out. I went out like a mad women screaming and waving my arms chasing it away....they run faster then I thought...
Am i strange if i say that i don't have a dog, but would love to have a couple of buckets of dog poo for that very reason? I'm sure a one time application would not be sufficient. I have yet to resort to asking my friends to bring me their dog poo. It's odd enough when i ask them to save their orange peels! I've heard a lot of folks say that the motion sensor lights don't really work well. The wild life gets acclimated to them.
You can buy coyote urine in a bottle and spray that around. I think that makes even more animals think twice about venturing onto your property.
A raccoon has been terrorizing the MFBD bantams for about 3 weeks now. I told a young coon hunter if he sets a trap I have no problem letting him get rid of the pesky thing! No eggs in over a week because of them being stressed.
coon print on top of their house. After the slippery when wet pool plastic was put on top the varmint went to pushing on the run wire. Barbed wire fixed that enough for me to get 3 eggs from the MFBD last week.
@buckabucka that stinks!!!!

@ashandvine what are you looking at incubating?

Project Black Orloffs

Ducks are pipped or pipping and zipping and in another two weeks there might be geese. I grafted a few chicks onto a very fierce broody bantam yesterday. She is the first one to rush me or bite me. Yikes.

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