
Cool. Have you used one of these???? I scrolled through the video. Didn't hear the price. ????
Haven't had my hands on it yet, but I have at least one on my must buy list.

Deluxe Pathfinder Pocket Hunter Kit


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Why is it that so many people automatically reach for a gun to solve a problem? Keep in mind I am not against guns. I own one. But there are other ways of dealing with predators than by killing them. Especially dogs. I am a dog person. All this talk about shooting dogs bothers me. Especially the talk about doing it quietly, disposing the body and never admitting to the deed. Yes the neighbors are wrong to let their dog run free. Does that mean the dog deserves to die? No. At least not in my mind. Thank goodness my neighbors would not react to one of my dogs visiting them by firing a shot anymore than I would do take such action against their dogs. I know others will not agree with me but all I ask is that if the dog disappears than I do not want to read about it here.
I agree, Widget. It's the humans' fault, not the dogs. I don't think inflicting pain or death on the animal is going to solve much. Folks like that just get more dogs, and don't train them, and on it goes. Fines from the town tend to draw more attention; hit 'em in the pocketbook and they might start paying attention.
I don't even like dogs, but I would never kill one, especially if it belonged to a neighbor. It is really the neighbor's fault, not the dog's, although I understand the anger and frustration at repeated offenses. It's a difficult situation.

We had our first predator loss (I think, anyway) in more than 4 years. Crossbeak, our handicapped hen is the only one who flies over the fence and free-ranges everyday. She did not return this evening. We knew this would happen someday, although it is still sad. She was more of a pet and followed us around the yard while we tossed raspberries her way, so she had a good life. There was no sign of a struggle, so we suspect maybe a fox. I'm leaving the others locked up tomorrow in case whatever it was returns. I wish there was some way of knowing what happened....
. I don't own gun.i am helpless bystander and have to hope I can scare a dog away who has bared teeth and is chargin. The dog that got my chicken last Week jumped a electric fence. Determined. I had a dog for 17 years.when Zoe died and my kids grew up I got chickens. It's just hard to see them hurt. I am getting used to new phone. Sorry this was messy.
Sorry your girl is missing, BB. My neighbors' girls are all penned in except for the leghorn, who flies in and out of the pen. Hopefully she can fly away from the fox that took some of her flockmates earlier this year. Hope your girl just flew up to safety somewhere and will show up soon.
Why is it that so many people automatically reach for a gun to solve a problem? Keep in mind I am not against guns. I own one. But there are other ways of dealing with predators than by killing them. Especially dogs. I am a dog person. All this talk about shooting dogs bothers me. Especially the talk about doing it quietly, disposing the body and never admitting to the deed. Yes the neighbors are wrong to let their dog run free. Does that mean the dog deserves to die? No. At least not in my mind. Thank goodness my neighbors would not react to one of my dogs visiting them by firing a shot anymore than I would do take such action against their dogs. I know others will not agree with me but all I ask is that if the dog disappears than I do not want to read about it here.

I've called the ACO about my neighbors' dogs at least a dozen times... How long should I wait before I get out my 30-30 and some trash bags?
Sorry about your loss Bucka. Lets hope she's in hiding. Is there any chance that she's sitting on a clutch of eggs somewhere? I'm hard pressed to keep my youngsters behind a fence right now. I need to get my scissors out, and take down the 2 tractors in their run. In the mean time, I'm leaving the gate opened, trusting that they can scatter to the woods if needed. They get locked up tight at night. Roo is trying so very hard to be a big boy. He's so comical to watch, the way he struts around checking everything out. When i drive in the yard he comes running up to check out the "intruder" to be sure all is safe for his girls.
I had a sad day, lost a baby chick (the lazy one) last night not sure why, then while I was out my 2 mini dachshunds got into were the baby chicks were and 2 died. we had just gotten 4 to go with the 7, but now we have 9. I spent the rest of my day dog proofing where the chicks are. I just hope and pray the rest of the flock will grow up with no other issues.

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