
Just wondering if anyone will be at the show in Windsor next weekend. I am still looking for silkie, Cochin, & sizzle hatching eggs. Thanks!
Tammaclean, what sort of cochins are you looking for? My splash pair are just about the only birds laying right now (durn half-a** broodies!) Theyre a splash roo over lighter splash hen. I've got several of her eggs incubating, oldest ones are on day 13 and only one was infertile out of the 14 I've set so far. Babies should be blue (if I understand BBS correctly...pretty sure I do, not so different from Great Dane color breeding)
splash over splash = 100 % splash, zero blue.

Tammaclean, what sort of cochins are you looking for? My splash pair are just about the only birds laying right now (durn half-a** broodies!) Theyre a splash roo over lighter splash hen. I've got several of her eggs incubating, oldest ones are on day 13 and only one was infertile out of the 14 I've set so far. Babies should be blue (if I understand BBS correctly...pretty sure I do, not so different from Great Dane color breeding)
is this NH has shut down the swap or is it this one person has stopped their own swap?
the swap was one that charged to sell there, with a big poultry show coming right up that is attended by many out of state breeders, i'd like to know
This is a copy and paste from Als Quackery:

Just a heads up, there are some poultry diseases spreading in NH and their swaps have been shut down. Here is a link to their page
I also have contact info if anyone wants to know more details.
I am simply advising people to stay bio-secure with their flocks and try to stay clean and safe. I know there are many NH residents who attend our swaps and I just want to help prevent anything from being spread around here and our swaps.
Tammaclean, what sort of cochins are you looking for? My splash pair are just about the only birds laying right now (durn half-a** broodies!) Theyre a splash roo over lighter splash hen. I've got several of her eggs incubating, oldest ones are on day 13 and only one was infertile out of the 14 I've set so far. Babies should be blue (if I understand BBS correctly...pretty sure I do, not so different from Great Dane color breeding)

I'm looking for any really nice ones. I have a few but they are pets.
is this NH has shut down the swap or is it this one person has stopped their own swap?
the swap was one that charged to sell there, with a big poultry show coming right up that is attended by many out of state breeders, i'd like to know
Bwock... this is what I was just saying a few pages ago without creating drama.

Hoppy, there is a woman who is selling (and I do mean IS) confirmed cases of Coryza and MG. The Ag dept got into it and the state vet told her to cull her birds. She didn't cull them all and has just sold some to a woman in NH. I have advised a friend of mine who lives in the same town as her to please share her information with the state vet since this other woman isn't following rules and without them knowing they need to do more they won't. This woman who is selling sick birds has hundreds of birds. She sells to lots of folks. Since the word is getting around in NH it only makes sense to try to sell to those people in ME and VT who don't know the local gossip. If its come from NH don't touch it. Simple.

Didn't Joaniemaine just have some orps to sell? There are very likely to be some at the show this weekend. Please come folks. This will be my first show and I would be tickled to have lots of people come... provided I don't screw up badly or have a bird die in the cage or something.
is this NH has shut down the swap or is it this one person has stopped their own swap?
the swap was one that charged to sell there, with a big poultry show coming right up that is attended by many out of state breeders, i'd like to know

From what I have read the person who runs the swaps has volunteered to stop them until things settle down and the NH Dept. of Agriculture gives the okay to start up again. They were not told they had to stop the swaps. As for the show I have no idea.
Has anyone fed Calf Manna to their flock? I just picked a bag up at TSC to use as a supplement with the horses and goats and the bag states it can also be fed to chickens.
show is next weekend- sunday may 26th (our meeting is this weekend to finalize plans)
what are you showing ash?

Didn't Joaniemaine just have some orps to sell? There are very likely to be some at the show this weekend. Please come folks. This will be my first show and I would be tickled to have lots of people come... provided I don't screw up badly or have a bird die in the cage or something.

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