
the wind storm knocked out our power for 4 hours and took down some huge trees at on road, bringing down the wires with them, the lights are now back on. yeah.
Hi quailtrail-welcome! I started with 6 Barred Rock chickens, last spring, but this year, got my first SLW and 2 Buff Orpingtons. The Buffs are so sweet! They are fast becoming a favorite of mine. I also got a Black Australorp and she is very sweet and friendly, too. Now, I just hope they are all good layers.
I hope to have buff orps soon ♡
sadly I had to put down my rooster, just not improving for any quality of life.
So sorry to hear about your roo, hoppy!!

The other day, husband and I were on our way somewhere, and ended up behind a tractor, hauling manure....of course I said " wow, that is some great looking manure! I wish I had some of that!!"
I do that too that and mulch!

But when doing a head count to make sure all were safe I had one extra duck. Or in this case duckling. There was a newly hatched duckling struggling at the front of the shelter. I went in and rescued the little guy. He is now sitting in a berry container next to the kitchen sink. He did take some water when I offered it and he perked right up. No idea if he will make it but I don't want to put him back in with momma just yet.
Good Luck with the little guy!

I lost 2 of my 7 week old chicks in the past 24 hours. DH took me out to dinner for my bday yesterday. I didn't put the chickens in when we left because they put themselves to bed. DS went out to close up the coop & run around 7:30pm and couldn't find 1 of the chantecler/faverolle chicks. Looked everywhere. He said the girls were acting freaked out. Needless to say I cried myself to sleep last night. This was the little one I brought in the house a little bit ago for some TLC. She was a snuggler.
We went to a 25th anniversary party today so I didn't let anyone out to free range knowing we'd be gone most of the afternoon and evening. I didn't leave a note for DD who came home from a sleepover and let the girls out around 3pm. She called me about the little chick that's when I told her to put the chickens back in. She was worried it was so hot for them just to hang out in the pen & coop but they had plenty of water and the fans going. She called me back to say that she couldn't find one of the Maran chicks and had to go find 2 of the big girls at the neighbors house. DH thinks possibly a hawk or eagle took the chicks though I haven't seen any lately. No one is leaving the pen tomorrow!! I'm seriously considering getting a game cam.
Appreciate all the comments, Jules posted her first BYC post! I LOVE YOU HONEY! So...the tractor idea I love, however, my over-engineering made it a wee bit hard to move around, so I tried to add some wheels. I re-purposed some old child ATV wheels, mounted them, and after about 10 feet, CRASH!
So...I parked it for the night, thinking nothing of it, I would fix it today. Well just before bed, I went out to peek in on the little meaties and to my of them was outside the fence...
. I was blown away...I know that the wire was sealed up tight, staples every inch or so, overlapped and wired together. I ran down, almost got taken away by the mosquitoes....I mean was horrible. I grabbed the wee little one and put it back in the pen. I searched high and low for the "leak" and found none. I closed the lid, and returned to my routine. One last peek before bed (part 2), I saw yet another one! What was going on? I put on some bug dope this know, we all want to smell like citronela before bed right! I grabbed this one up, opened the lid and put it back. This time, I found it. The wire on the bottom of the tractor had pulled off the struts on the side, a week from now, there is no way they would fit, but tonight, well they were sneaking out on their parents for sure. I ran inside, grabbed my staple gun, made a quick repair and by this time, the bug dope was failing...miserably! I did my patch and ran for the door. WHEW!

I have today off, Jules is working and she woke me as she was leaving. We exchanged our I LOVE YOU's and off she went, only after telling me that YET ANOTHER ONE WAS OUT! I jumped up, got some clothes on and ran to the rescue. There it was a solitary little critter over by the compost pile. I picked this one up and repeated last nights process. This time, there were NO holes...I consulted Jules on her way to work by phone...this poor wee one must have survived the night outside all alone. So...I fixed it, and fixed it good!

I stood the tractor up on end so I could get to the bottom again, the birds were not cooperative in the process of removing them so I could work, so, they got a neat little ride. I went to the scrap pile and found some strapping and the leftover fencing. I reinforced the floor section with a full layer of wire, stapled the @$%& out of it, and then took strapping and overlayed the joints. 3" screws, joined the wood with the wire inbetween. There. I dare them to try and escape now LOL!
Does anyone have hatchlings right now? We closed down our brooders a couple weeks ago, but had one broody splash cochin sitting a mixed nest until yesterday, when they hatched and she promptly killed (but did not eat, ugh) all but one of them - she tried, but I got it before she did any damage. Its a little blue, half cochin and half faverolles, super stinkin' adorable but not going to spend its life in my shirt pocket (where it has finally stopped cheeping, and is cozy, but cannot stay while i work outside...) I'd happily give it to anyone who has a similarly-aged group to put it with, or take another chick or two to keep it company. Any takers?
Does anyone have hatchlings right now? We closed down our brooders a couple weeks ago, but had one broody splash cochin sitting a mixed nest until yesterday, when they hatched and she promptly killed (but did not eat, ugh) all but one of them - she tried, but I got it before she did any damage. Its a little blue, half cochin and half faverolles, super stinkin' adorable but not going to spend its life in my shirt pocket (where it has finally stopped cheeping, and is cozy, but cannot stay while i work outside...) I'd happily give it to anyone who has a similarly-aged group to put it with, or take another chick or two to keep it company. Any takers?

I have three Australorp crosses that are two weeks old but they are free ranging with their Momma hen.

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