
Yay, Ash, been a while since I've posted here, but still alive and well, well. There is Dixondale Farms out of Texas online, they have some wonderful varieties of storage onion plants, just ordered a mess of them, and free shipping. The more you order, the lower the price. Great deal, I think, get them every year and they do wonderful. They have leek bunches too. They sell everything in bunches of 50-60, and by the time I was done with my order, was only paying like $5 a set. Hurry tho, they will be done shipping to this area soon. Congrats on your new gander too!

As far as the clothes line to who posted that, we have a screened porch and hub hung a line for me out there stretching from one end to the other with one of those retractable thingies, thank goodness as our "real" clothesline is still inaccessible with a foot or so of snow and ice under it. Don't need a broken hip to hang out clothes, the one on the screened porch works year round.

Geeze, just let the wood stove take a break this past week, now they are calling for temps down in the 20's at night this coming week. Looks like Monday will be the last nice warm day. The Farmer's Almanac actually predicted a false spring in April, they have pretty much been on the money by a few days give or take. Keep your chins up tho, they also predict that come early May, it will be suddenly summer for good!

Has anyone put peas in yet? It's still too wet here to even think about turning the garden let alone planting anything. As far as cats liking lettuce, my one cat will munch on anything green, just enough to do fatal damage. Have to keep them covered always. Grass is a good distraction, but don't think it will deter too much. If they like something, there's no stopping them. Do yours then throw it all up? Yuck...

The ducks are certainly enjoying getting out and about, the two boys are happily, um, doing their thing. My one imprinted girl Sweet Pea is a little broody, she does not like to come out of the duck house, but she is more afraid of her father who is always trying at her. Have not seen him succeed yet, he just likes to hold her head down and do nothing else, almost like he is scolding or training her. Her poor head looks like someone put mousse on it and teased it up. Kinda cute, but wish he would leave her alone. All the ducks, Pekins and Buffs are laying like crazy, about a third are fertile and have a half dozen in the bator. More coming, should have plenty for sale! All of my duck egg customers are starting to ask for them, so hope to have a good year! And with the snow melt, all the low spots are full of water, so they just spend the day going from one pool to another. Nice to see, they were in their house for almost 5 months, and good also they didn't kill each other. They refuse to step foot in snow no matter how I coaxed them, so it was their choice to stay put. They just got super fat, but are working it off quickly.

Have chicks and some fertile eggs coming this week, can't wait. And a rooster, miss not having one around and would like to propagate my own chicks. My girls are 3 years old now, and altho they still lay well, I know their time for that is limited. Time to refresh the flock! And they can go into the duck house when ready as the ducks will be in the summer pens. The cycle of life, a beautiful thing!

Take care all, and happy spring! Make sure y'all have some wood in for next week, will be chilly at night!
I have five goose eggs in the incubator. The oldest one I am pretty sure is not developing. No signs after 10 days. The other four I am not sure yet.

I also left two eggs with the goose to she if she would sit on them. She is. So we will see what happens there.

Did a couple minutes of raking today. Had to give up since my back said no. Feel much better today but really do not want to push it.

And I finally got the basement Silkies and Cochins outside today. There is still some snow left in the pen but the covered coop area is okay. Now I can use their old brooder for the three week old chicks who are outgrowing the baby brooder they are currently in.

Just spent ten minutes rounding up three dogs who escaped out the front door when it blew open. I was outside with Serina, the Pit. Door blew open. So Bennett, the foster dog, Louise, the Pyr and Jadzia, the Potcake all bolted out the door and of course went in different directions. Louise ran at full speed over the the neighbors. Jadzia started chasing the ducks and Bennett went right for the goat pen and managed to get between the bars of the fence. Talk about a Kobyashi Maru scenario (for any Star Trek fans). Which dog to go after first.

Well Bennett made up my mind for me. He had grabbed on of the goats by the throat and was dragging her around the pen. Goat was screaming. I crawled over the fence and quickly tied Serina to the fence since I still had her leash in my hand. I grabbed Bennett and it took me a minute to get him to let go of the goat. I then threw him over the fence and followed close behind. I grabbed him and brought him and Serina into the house.

By then the neighbor had run over saying Louise had been at her house but had since bolted back by my house and down the road towards another neighbor. The two of us went running down the road in search of a very fearful and shy Great Pyrenees. My neighbor saw a flash of white in the woods off the road and sure enough Louise had run into the woods and hunkered down. I had to crawl over downed branches to get to her but she was okay and we walked back home.

Two dogs down. One to go. Jadzia was still in the yard and had decided it was fun to harass a very irritated goose. I showed her a treat and she left the goose and came running over and up the front steps into the house.

Did a quick check on the birds and the goats. All were a bit frazzled but otherwise none the worse for wear. Thank goodness the goat still had her winter coat. Bennett grabbed goat hair but did not break the skin.

Needless to say all this running around did nothing to help out my back. And now all the escapees are passed out snoozing as if nothing happened.
Hey there, I was wondering if anyone had any guinea keets available for purchase I really only want a couple two or three as one of my chickens decided to go broody (she did this in november too and hatched out six chicks) I really dont want to put eggs under her again and I cant really fit many more birds but hubby and I were discussing guinea hens this year because we have a huge tick/bug problem... I am located in Canaan if anyone has any available in a reasonable distance please message me [email protected] Thanks guys,
That sounds crazy, Widget! Glad you got all the dogs back with no harm done. We have a new neighbor that has a dog that gets loose frequently. I expect we will lose a bunch of chickens to that dog this summer. I ran into another neighbor yesterday who is also concerned about this frequently loose dog (which surprised me, because she has a dog of her own), but she thinks it will be the end of her cat.

I actually spent a little time shoveling the garden where the peas will go yesterday. It is a futile activity, but melting isn't happening fast enough for my taste. I can't dent the thick bottom layer of ice, but I'm holding out hope that we will see soil in 2 weeks.
My garden has been bare for the last week. I need to get the electric net fencing in place to get the girls out of the garden before I can start planting.

The little chicks are doing fine. Brooding in the garage... which is under the house... has been a wonderful solution. I can open up the overhead door during the warm part of the day to give them some sun. With the lamp turned off, and the sun shining in, it got up to 100 degrees in there 2 days ago! It also allows for good air exchange to cut down on the dust.
Could be parasites. Coccidiosis or rounds. Especially with the stress of changing homes. I'd consider a round of both treatments be fore he's in with the rest. Panacur for roundworms and corid for coccidiosis. There are dosing suggestions in a thread.

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