
Hey all I am so excited! Look what I found under my broody!!! I put 3 eggs under her just to see what would happen. They are eggs from my blue ameraucana and the roo is a BCM. Ive never had a hatch before so I am not sure what to do next. I want mama to raise it (and hopefully the other two eggs will hatch soon. I put them under her a day after this one I assume). How do they get water/food up there in the nest box. Do I need to cordon part of the coop off and put them down on the floor?
Congratulations MustardTiger!
I don't know how long the hen will sit (waiting for the others to hatch). She'll want to start showing the little chick around soon. If she were to quit, you could candle them and stick them in an incubator or under another broody, I suppose.
I only had a broody hatch once (just 2 eggs and only one made it), but I had moved mine to the floor in a separate area before I slipped her the eggs.
I'm sure someone will chime in here. Good luck! I hope the others hatch for you!
Hey all I am so excited! Look what I found under my broody!!! I put 3 eggs under her just to see what would happen. They are eggs from my blue ameraucana and the roo is a BCM. Ive never had a hatch before so I am not sure what to do next. I want mama to raise it (and hopefully the other two eggs will hatch soon. I put them under her a day after this one I assume). How do they get water/food up there in the nest box. Do I need to cordon part of the coop off and put them down on the floor?
I would give her another day or so to sit. The hatchlings should be fine until then, and she probably won't attempt to take them for food and water right off.
I don't have any of my own hatching experience, but my mom always separated her broooding hens and babies from the rest of the flock with their own food and water. She kept them separate for sleeping and out with the flock for ranging after they were a few days old. I think was to prevent any other flock members from harming the chicks.
Awesome chick. Is that broody wearing a blue apron???

I picked my first small handful of blueberries, and raspberries today. They were every bit as tasty as they looked. Hubby went out and picked a few more tonight, and he had a bunch of girls lined up on the other side of the fence, watching his every move... and begging. Japanese beetle population has picked up. I harvested about 2 cups of beetles today.
Hey everyone! Been super busy here....trouble with hatch 2weeks ago one lone OE. Absolutely a cutie! Last hatch had a day early, and surprise Naked Neck, placed them together today and the 2 week old was pecking its eyes out :(

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