
Hi Everyone!
I have been away for quite some time. Just busy with life, animals, a new job and all that good stuff.

Hope everyone has weathered this wretched winter well.

If anyone would like some fertile hatching eggs I have PLENTY. They are a mix of BCM roo, BCM/Amerucana roo/ buff cochin roo over a variety of hens: Barred rock, ameracana, SLWyandotte, dorking, welsummer, buff orp, dark cornish, black giant, so...a good old barnyard mix.
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Oh I am also still looking for midget white turkeys - thing is I don't need 6, I just need 3 - if anyone wants to split an order...

Also looking for an Ameraucana roo (true am, splash or lav would be idea' but any color is great)

Black copper marans female chick/pullet/hen

within an hour or so of Portland if anyone has leads let me know!
My four chickens and one rooster came through well, despite weather that made me want to move to Florida. Got down into the low single digits several times and we've had WAY more than our fair share of rain for them to have to slog through half frozen mud. My rooster's comb got a little scabby but after that I shut the coop door at night and he got better. N. Mississippi. I have a really large fenced in area for them to roam so they are basically free range. It is a movable electric poultry fence. I have, since this pic, added two more lengths of this same fence so it is three times as big now. Unfortunately the trampoline is gone as they loved to get out of the sun under it and eat the tenderer grass during the summer that grew there but now they have a lot more room to roam and the shade from the trees covers at least part of their yard each day. The other items are their snaplock chicken coop and a chicken tractor I made out of plastic child fencing.

Yes, I haven't made a final decision yet, as I am waiting for some shipped eggs and want to see what hatches from them.
I should know by late summer if I'm going to replace my lavender roo. If you would like me to contact you when I make a decision, MustardTiger, I can do that. (assuming you don't need one immediately).
Yes please do let me know. I am not in a hurry.

Candled half of my eggs today (day 6). Have good vein development, and saw dancing in at least 2 eggs. All eggs show = development, except for 1/15 which was too dark to visualize. The eggs in the other tray will be more difficult to candle as there are a lot of dark brown, blue, and greens. But, seeing that the development in this tray looked to be good, I can surmise that the other tray should have the same stats even if I can't see what's going on.
Yesterday, I went out to gather eggs. One of the Dom gals was hunkered down on the nest. For some reason, the Pioneer just had to be in the same nest. She kept climbing in on top of the Dom. Every time she climbed in, I pulled her out. She just wouldn't give up. Finally, the last time I pulled her out, an egg fell out of her butt!

I sold 8 dozen eggs today, and 2 dozen earlier this week. This is the first time in a very long time that my fridge has been cleaned out of eggs! I have people clamoring for them at church. Yeah!

Jack and his harem have been out running around all day. They don't have far to go: just the path from the front of the house to the coop. But, I can now see bare ground over my septic tank. And the snow has finally receded so the top of a stack of hay bales is starting to show (bales are stacked 2 high)

Had an old friend call regarding ordering chicks. When I told him I was planning a trip to Guatemala, he said he'd buy 20 chicks, straight run! I think it's time to design that fridgeabator, and order the digital thermostat for it.
RIP DOT 4/2012--3/27/15 (my little troublemaker RSL)
Pretty sure she had an internal laying issue. She has had 2 eggs break inside before and a vent prolapse a few months back. I noticed egg on the roost last week. The next day she didn't get off the roost to go outside for breakfast so I knew something was wrong. She's usually the first one out! Started her on Tylan that night. Friday I found her dead half in & half out of the pop door. Poor thing! She was a funny little girl always wanting to know what you were doing, the first to realize she could fly out of the play yard & over the fence to the neighbor's lawn...2 doors up!

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