
They are all sired by my EE roo.  The hens are:  Dominique, SLW, RIR, BSL (both straight comb brown egg layer, and pea comb aqua egg layer), Pioneer, Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, and EE.  So, all will be green or blue egg layers (Unless Jack has a surprise lurking in his gene pool), and have either pea or walnut combs

Are you hatching just for fun, replacements to your current flock or selling?

I was disappointed to see the rain this morning...I wanted to get the chicks back outside again today. They were stir crazy and escaped from their tote before I knew it and decided to go exploring - of course I had to take a couple photos. I've never had such bold, social chicks without having to work up to that. The sun's out now so they can enjoy the rest of the day outside.

On another note, I got a chance to spend some one on one time with my Hamburg this morning without having her chased away by the jerkface cockerel and was saddened to see the effects his bullying has had on her. Not only will he not let her in the coop at night anymore, he has her comb become pretty much one big scab that I'll have to tend to when she goes to roost tonight but what was once a sweet girl who would gently take treats from my hand has become so aggressive it was painful. She relaxed and stopped biting me the longer we were alone but when my OE came over after the treats were gone and laid down beside me, the Hamburg went at her face as soon as I laid my hand on the OE to pet her.

Yesterday, thank goodness I was outside when I saw him mounting the only girl he's been able to dominate, right in a puddle...with her whole head submerged under the water so I chased him off. Now I can't wait until his gone.
There's a mother earth news article that says the golden buff and golden red were the original names of the RIR. I wonder if its used now as one of the many names for RSL
Never had an issue with the health of the chicks I have bought through them. Heck I spend a quarter of my paycheck there every month between the horses, goats and birds. Great people and great customer service.

I stopped in there once and decided that I was not going to buy any chicks from them. When I went into the trailer to look at them, I was appalled. There were chickens in short little cages that were too tall for the cage. Not to mention they were panting since they were basically fully feathered. The cages were super dirty and there was a pile of cages in the corner that had moldy poop in them. So I'm all set with buying chicks from them.
I saw that article too about golden red. But why would they offer Golden Red as a breed and have RIR on the list too if they were the same thing? I guess I'll find out. I'm getting nervous about processing my egg eaters and starting with some new babies. I'm keeping my leghorns. I hope they will all incorporate in the end. And the meat chickens. Starting slow with 6. So altogether I will have 12 chickens. That's enough for me
Another Mainer here. I used to have Ameraucana, Silkies, and Polish. That was until a fox nearly wiped out our flock. We ended up giving the remainder ofour flock to someone who wanted the silkies to hatch their duck eggs. Since then I helped my brother set up flock of Cochin, Ancona, and Silkies. And this season I decided to restart my own flock again. I've ordered Cuckoo Marans, Ameraucana, and Blue Silkies. The chicks should be coming in a few days. Now I just need to find a local place to get some guinea fowl.
Welcome DaQatz. Sorry about your loss to the fox. That's tough.

Island Girl: I'm hatching for replacements for my ageing birds, as well as hoping to sell some chicks. Also, I'm a hatching addict. There's something special about holding a warm egg in my hand and being able to look inside and see a baby dancing in there. This year's hatch is an experiment regarding gender selection based on egg size. (Just for grins and giggles)

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