
I would definitely cover the boxes back up for a little while longer. Especially if no one is showing signs of laying yet.
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Yeah, I think I will. The more look at it the more I think they are roosting on the edge of the nesting box maybe not actually inside. They are about 19 weeks old now. I think we have a little more time to train them
We went canoeing in Merrymeeting Bay yesterday and it rained pretty hard for a while. Back at home though, the rain gauge was dry. They are promising 1 - 3 inches this weekend. Today looks oppressive.
It sprinkled here on the coast all afternoon but not enough to saturate anything. We've had a few downpours that last only a few minutes over the last week but again, not enough to do much of anything. This morning is too foggy to see the water but it's beginning to burn off. When I got up, I could barely see past the front porch.
@MistyMae 19 weeks is close to the time many girls will begin. You may have said earlier but what breeds do you have? Dual purpose take longer to develop and if that's what you have, you may have another few weeks to go. That said, could you uncover the boxes during the day and cover them back up at night? Maybe leaving some mock eggs in there? You'll know when they start getting close as they'll begin taking a seemingly confused interest in the boxes and covering their backs with bedding.
We went canoeing in Merrymeeting Bay yesterday and it rained pretty hard for a while. Back at home though, the rain gauge was dry. They are promising 1 - 3 inches this weekend. Today looks oppressive.

Nothing here either other than a tiny sprinkle when I first started waxing. The ground here is so dry. The last good rain we had was 3 or 4 weeks ago when we got about 3 inches in an hour on a Thursday.

I guess I'll have to up the ante and re-wash/wax the car and leave it outside with all the windows open.
I'm so tired of the heat and so are my birds. I have two full waterers and panting poultry all over. They're laying eggs on a ration system I think, trying to ransom eggs for colder weather. Only I'm not in charge of that. The rats are the only things that seem unaffected. Those twerps are having a ball. Meanwhile, the critter that took two of my first three ever hatched chicks is still out there somewhere. Hubby is going on a nightly prowl to hopefully terminate whatever it is, but no luck yet.

On a brighter note, all the chickens will get watermelon bits tomorrow as a frozen treat after I get home from work. Tonight's pieces were fresh, not frozen. It'll be fun seeing what they do with the icy juicy goodness. I'll probably need to duck flying chunks as they run round the coop with it.
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Just saw on WCSH, a story about an apple orchard in Levant having to irrigate for the first time EVER. Fortunately it looks like a half inch or so in the forecast the next few days, but that barely gets the ground saturated.

Maine is the one place I figured I could homestead and not worry about rain!

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