
OMG I have hatched a demon cockerel that's either full black Australorp or half EE. It's a month old now and already trying to breed along with attacking my hand when I fed the batch. I moved it and others in with the full flock mainly so smaller chicks wouldn't be stressed out. The damn thing is out free ranging the yard. (All the other younger chicks stay in the coop). It's also going head to head at not 1 but 2 yearling Khaki Campbell drakes.
I'm not sure whether this evil thing is going to live long enough for me to butcher.​
I had one like that (2 weeks old) who went into full attack mode when I tended to his Mama and siblings. I figured that I'd end up lopping off his head before he was 3 weeks old. Well, I just scooped him up, and attempted some dominance training. He immediately bit me. I pushed his head down below his chest and held it there. Every time he lifted his head, I'd push it back down. Rinse and repeat until he kept head down. Set him down on ground, and he'd attempt to attack again. Repeat, until he'd keep his head down when he was set on ground. I did this daily until he would retreat when he saw me coming. After that, he turned into a model citizen.
Fiddle heads show up with the black flies. Hoopy, your whitish chicks. Are you sure they are not pigeons? :D

@DwayneNLiz , you're honorary Main'ahs!
Yay! Lol my family is originally from the Ellsworth area, if anyone has been through there and seen the surname Moon- that's my family. Even had some family there in the Revolutionary War

Getting ready to get fiddle finding, and LG you are right saw my first black flies this week
Anyone make it too the Fedco tree sale? I made it late yesterday afternoon and all the good stuff was already gone. Hoping to get some kind of planting done this year. Not working out too well.
I don't understand how my grandparents had anytime for farming with 6 kids or so.
ine of my cuckoo Marans is half the size of my other two, no tail feathers (other 2 have them sprouting) out of 13 baby chicks 2 weeks old this one bird is the same size as when they all were 1 week old?

do i have a midget chicken? were calling her "Runt" right now,
she's eating and drinking and running around fine,
she on the left side in the 2cd pic
right side on the 1st pic the other one is crouching down
IMG_0836 two weeks cuckoo marans.JPG
IMG_0821 2 weeks.JPG

omg im confused,,,
Anyone here in central Maine interested in about 4 black Australorp chickens. I have a rooster and 3 hens of the breed.
Problem is the rooster has been really rough on the hens. He only seems to mate those 3 and I think one of my Easter Egger hens.
Either way the rooster is gone by this fall one way or another .
I'd plan to breed these but just not feeling attached to the breed at all.
Well I have 3 little duck cuckoo marans pullets and one light Brahma to add to my flock of EE's, Australorps and Ameraucana. Really stoked about adding them to the flock. The original Australorps are going bye bye however. Definitely not a fan of the breed.
I have about 8 or 9 Ameraucana eggs with one Pekin/ khaki Campbell egg in the incubator.
Hey everyone- I'm in the market for some new pullets/layers. I'm currently down to 2 older welsummer hens and a buckeye hen and rooster. I am looking for Chanteclers or Marans and would consider easter egger/olive eggers as well. I am near Augusta. Thanks!

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