
I still have chickens for sale, and have caught a few laying eggs for sure (free ranging, couldn't really tell before)!!!
I have:

• 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg Hen (Lays White eggs) 1 1/2 years old $15.00
• 2 Silver Duckwing Yokohama Hens 1 year old $15.00 each
• 1 Striped Mix Hen (Laying White eggs) 1 1/2 years old $10.00
• 1 Ancona Hen (lays White eggs) 1 1/2 years old $15.00
• 3 Bantam Partridge Wyandotte Hens 1- 1 1/2 years old $10.00 each
• 3 Bantam Old English Black breasted Red pullets 5 months old $10.00 each!

All are nice hardy birds, mite and disease free, mostly show quality, and from breeders not hatcheries! I am not on Backyardchickens very often, so if you would like to contact me about them you can call me at (207)-779-7710 or email me at [email protected]!

P.s I also have 2 Fixed bunnies ($10.00 each), 3 guinea pigs ($10-$15.00 each), 3 Dwarf Hamsters 1 M, 2 F (5.00 each), and a large short hair Female Hamster Tan with grey ears ($10.00)!
Aren't people too funny...Does your town have a limit? Guess it depends how close you are to your neighbors, and whether you have a crowing rooster. We have no "close by" neighbors and have had up to 70 hens. The only time our neighbor had an issue is when some of the young hens wandered up the hill towards her newly planted garden, but she shooed them and they never went back. They get to know their boundaries eventually I guess. We live in a valley, so everything echoes. One neigbor commented that she loved to hear our rooster crowing, and my hub took it as a complaint that it was not. Gotta feel people out and see if they have an ulterior motive. Maybe she's just after free eggs
Kiss up.
Windham Town Council voted last night (8/14) 5:1 to approve chicken ordinance. Up to 12 hens in moderate and light residential zoned areas. Housing & fencing rules...reasonable. To my neighbor who already has are legal, now!
yeah, dealing with my dad telling me I have to downsize, again. Our chickens are on farm/residential property and there was an ordinance that said 25 chickens are allowed. Dh showed it to them and they agreed we were allowed 25. I am NOT downsizing again, no matter what. We were told the "farm" portion of the property had no noise ordinance either so I am waiting for a neighbor to complain about my roos again....
Hello everyone. Long time reader here but new to chickens.

I have 6 sex links about 24 weeks old, 3 red, 3 amber, but we have a problem in our flock. As egg laying began, personalities in our little flock changed, and we have found a bully among our girls. The bully was isolated for about a week and brought back with no change. This was done a second time, and still no change. By bully I mean she will go for blood, and scares my other five girls. Currently she lives safe in a 10X10 pvc pen outside the electronet of my other girls. With fence between them they are fine, but i cant keep her like this forever. I think if she had a change in scenery, a bigger more mature flock to face she would be a good layer for someone else.

Her name is Lillian, she is red. If anyone is interested and has more to offer this girl, let me know. She is nice to me, hate to see her go
Hello everyone. Long time reader here but new to chickens.

I have 6 sex links about 24 weeks old, 3 red, 3 amber, but we have a problem in our flock. As egg laying began, personalities in our little flock changed, and we have found a bully among our girls. The bully was isolated for about a week and brought back with no change. This was done a second time, and still no change. By bully I mean she will go for blood, and scares my other five girls. Currently she lives safe in a 10X10 pvc pen outside the electronet of my other girls. With fence between them they are fine, but i cant keep her like this forever. I think if she had a change in scenery, a bigger more mature flock to face she would be a good layer for someone else.

Her name is Lillian, she is red. If anyone is interested and has more to offer this girl, let me know. She is nice to me, hate to see her go
What town are you in? I could prob help you out. I have decent sized laying flock and they free range during day.
It has been a busy week. Short-handed at work so while the week went by fast it was tiring getting everything done that needed to be done without a ton of OT. Heaven forbid we get too much OT. Thursday morning the fat horse had managed to squeeze out through the fence. So I had to catch him at five in the morning. All the rain meant the grass grew at what seemed like five inches overnight. Managed to mow part of it this afternoon after I got out of work. At least it now looks semi-decent. And while all this was going on I had to empty out the storage unit I have kept for years. Should have done it a long time ago but at least it is done. Now I just have to make room in the house for anything I want to keep and throw out or sell the rest.

Anyone need a 30 gallon long fish tank with stand and hood? The tank is solid but because it has been sitting for a few years I wouldn't trust it with water. But it would make a great reptile tank or brooder. I also have a kitchen table with four chairs that I don't need. It was my grandmother's so it is at least 40 years old. Nothing special just a basic late 60's table. Might be good for a camp or someone living on their own for the first time. Not sure what else there is. Right now most of it is in the horse trailer just waiting for me to take a closer look. My personal version of Storage Wars. My stuff yet I have no idea what I just brought home.

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