
Sent you a pm regarding the cockerel.

I could use help with the lice bit as well. I have a WCB Polish who is inFESTed. His cap is prime territory and most of the reading I am doing says you have to avoid the head! I don't have Sevin and don't know that I want it.... please advise.
I am in Southern Maine and looking for some laying hens to purchase for the winter. Any older birds that are friendly are welcome, not breed specific at this time. I just know my cochin will go broody soon and I won't have any eggs! I didn't have good luck with this years hatch, 4 of 5 are roosters!

So, I'm also looking to sell the 3 month old roosters for 10$ a peice if someone feels they would be good in their breeding program or want some new boys. I have two light Cochins, and two Easter Eggers. Or we may eat them! I'd rather someone get better use out of them, but I prepared myself for this when we decided to hatch eggs.
The only problem with big, giant roos is that they can really put a hurtin' on your hens. Unless you plan to keep him apart, you will have to keep an eye on him. We had one that really tore up the poor little hens which were maybe 1/4 his size.
There is some stuff out there called Vets Best spray (you can find it on altho it's available elsewhere) it is all natural and contains a little peppermint and clove oil which amount to 1% of the total. We used it on our dogs and cat for flea infestation and sprayed it all over the house. Pretty much took care of the problem, altho we have to repeat. Once in a while I'll get a flea off the cat, but nothing like it was. In any case, this stuff is good for all kinds of insects, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, kills flea eggs, etc., on contact, and it does work, have seen the fleas die before my eyes, so would assume it would work with lice. Don't know if you can use it on fowl, but could peppermint and clove at such a low concentration hurt them? I don't have the answer to this, but guess you could call the manufacturer, it is made in the USA.

Have a weird question for you duck folks. Yesterday I was gathering their fresh eggs from Big Momma's setting box. If the ones I leave marked are going to hatch, will be within a week. Anyway, found an egg that was cracked down the side. Thought it might be an early hatcher, or she had simply stepped on it. It looked pretty disgusting, like there was an embryo inside and had some yolk on it. When I brought it in ready to gag, discovered this shell was covering another intact egg. It appeared she had somehow wrapped the shell around the good egg. Of course left her with the good egg, she must know something I don't, but has anyone ever heard of such a thing? There was yolk on the inside of the cracked shell as well, like it had been broken. Was very strange...
Good luck with your hatch, Hoppy! And I hope ashandvine feels better.

And speaking about roosters crowing, I am always surprised when I grow out a bunch of roosters how different all the crowing sounds are.
This summer, I had some that we're so screechy and pathetic. I was so glad I wasn't keeping them!

My Basque rooster has a mediocre crow, while my olive-egger has a nice deep voice, which I like. When he was first learning, he sounded so much like an owl!
Bucka I totally agree with this observation on the different voices. I have had a few here and the ones I like the best are also those deeper voices, like the Orp. I find some of the others annoying, especially if they continue to crow and crow. Ugh. Opr (Tank) is almost primarily a morning sounder and is quiet most of the day.

So, up all day. Not pleasant but I was trying. Here below is the link to my nearly enjoyable task related to good chicken keeping. It helped that my stomach was already hurting.

The featured cockerel is "Kahuna," so named for his lovely locks by my son who thought he looked a lot like a shaggy surfer dude.

Lost another chicken to the hawk. Sadly it was my new Orloff baby and it was great for type. My son meant to close them in but the latch has been funny lately and it was open later in the day (where was I? in bed with a fever I am sure) and so it was snatched. My son felt very badly. It seems every bird he really likes gets dead or sold. I know, its life, but I am still compassionate to those hard lessons.
dog is much better tonight, now my other one is lame, sympathy lameness?? well aspirin all around tonight I guess. ash, sorry about your chicken snatched. don't like those hawks at all around the coop.

paulajon, ivermectin can be mixed in the water to treat everyone (just recently read about that, not sure how effective it is since they basically dose themselves) sometimes the easiest way to treat them is to close up the coop at night then catch each one in the am, dose and put them outside. if they are not outside, they have not been treated. (it's really fun to catch birds in the pitch black especially if they are black too)
Sent you a pm regarding the cockerel.

I could use help with the lice bit as well. I have a WCB Polish who is inFESTed. His cap is prime territory and most of the reading I am doing says you have to avoid the head! I don't have Sevin and don't know that I want it.... please advise.
I used adams flea and tick, lice spray on my silkies earlier in the year as I had one with lice on her, killed them fast then I had a moma silkie with babies so I gave her a bath with puppy shampoo that kills the pest. I have also used the poultry dust on some of my younger ones just a little bit and like a pinch sprinkled on top of head but carefull not to get it in eyes. I have also sprayed the adams on my finger then very carefully put some on top of their heads.I use DE but found that it doesn't do much when you already have them on the birds. So at this point I have put ivermectin a drop on all my silkies except the babies and momas, so far so good. my layers thats a whole different thing as I sell the eggs so am really carefull about what they eat and what to put on them.
Oh my !! so much to keep up with, have a pullet down, one leg seems to be sore think she got hurt, so she is seperated, one of my cats is sick maybe a virus 103.9 fever taking her to vets tomorrow, probally will take a poo sample from the layers to have it checked if they are clear then I won't have to worry about worming them. I have two coops, need to build another so I can seperate some more birds, need to thin out some of my flock, have 4 silkie cockerals and the cooper marans cockeral that need to rehome, have a bummed leg baby chick that was hatched out but gets around awesome so he'll just hang around here. My horses foot seems to be good she isn't favoring it and boot is off her foot for the last few weeks, so thats good. Have to get the barn winterized some more and my coops.
Groomed my three shitz zu sunday, still have to give them baths. need to deflea all my dogs 2 labs ,2 German shepherds, 1 Aussie and cats.
Bucka I totally agree with this observation on the different voices. I have had a few here and the ones I like the best are also those deeper voices, like the Orp. I find some of the others annoying, especially if they continue to crow and crow. Ugh. Opr (Tank) is almost primarily a morning sounder and is quiet most of the day.

So, up all day. Not pleasant but I was trying. Here below is the link to my nearly enjoyable task related to good chicken keeping. It helped that my stomach was already hurting.

The featured cockerel is "Kahuna," so named for his lovely locks by my son who thought he looked a lot like a shaggy surfer dude.

Lost another chicken to the hawk. Sadly it was my new Orloff baby and it was great for type. My son meant to close them in but the latch has been funny lately and it was open later in the day (where was I? in bed with a fever I am sure) and so it was snatched. My son felt very badly. It seems every bird he really likes gets dead or sold. I know, its life, but I am still compassionate to those hard lessons.
Sorry you lost you new baby, we have a huge hawk around here been seen all around here and is huge know one knows what kind, maybe a young eagle, hopefully my dogs will keep it away .

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