Male goose prolapsed?

Insane poultry mama

In the Brooder
Jul 20, 2024
Hi yall! I have an african gander of about four months old. He was hanging out with me in the living room on Sunday morning and after a small hard poop, he seemed to prolapse briefly but retracted the protrusion in about four seconds. I shamefully admit I forgot his water and he didnt have anything to drink for about two hours. I know that it's very important for geese to have plenty of water AT ALL TIMES. Could my mistake have anything to do with it? Should I worry still even though he retracted it? It hasnt happened since to my knowledge. I feed him and his sister Dumor All Flock and they graze for a couple hours a day. Normally they have fresh cut grass all day in the barn but where I live there's been a drought and alot of the grass is dead and I havnt been able to feed it to them as othen. This has never happened to any of my poultry before and I would be THRILLED if someone could ease this troubled mother's worried soul. 😞🪿
It’s nothing to really worry about unless it’s hanging out all the time. 2 hours without water isn’t that big of a deal either. If it’s incredibly hot and they’re without shade then they can get heat exhaustion just like anyone but otherwise it shouldn’t cause any lasting issues.

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