Male Rooster ripped up my peacock

mockingbird girl

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 21, 2007
My peacock is now walking around with almost all the feathers missing off his back.. he's all bloody and nasty. Will he be okay? Is there something I should do to treat the bloody broken skin? I'm going to go out and try and get a picture really quick so you all can see what I'm talking about. I have no way to really separate them either...

See if this pic works--- I could throw the rooster outside for the night, but thats just a temporary fix and we have foxes, skunks, raccoons you name it... =/

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Can you maybe seperate the peacock, putting it in a dog crate while you treat it?
From the pic I can't tell how bad the wound is or if its just superficial.

How many birds are in the cage with them?
I can't really get ahold of him, he's really aloof. I just had the neighbor come over and snag him with a blanket as I ushered them out of the coop.

There's 5 chickens in there with him. Its an 16' x 8' coop with a 16'x10' enclosure thats 9' high.

It's pretty ugly, they ripped out all the feathers up underneath his wings and his butt. I thankfully have a dog kennel, dragged it up from the basement and threw some leaves in there since all of the supply stores are closed and I just threw down all new bedding last week, so I'm all out. I figured leaves will be okay?

I don't really have any supplies I can get tonight from the store either.. I can tomorrow morning, will he be okay till then? I have saline solution and I think I have neosporin somewhere.... but thats all I have on hand.

I guess I should start expecting the unexpected a bit more often and then maybe I wouldn't be so foolishly unprepared.

I would clean the areas with the saline solution and keep him in a warm dark place overnight.

Are there any big rips or tears in the skin, or just pulled out feathers?
i was thinking the same thinking. the feathers look bad but if no ripped skin and not in shock, then it'll be okay. can't be too sure about next time, though. i would not put them back together. just not safe.
Well he made it through the night, and I went out and got a generic BluKote to apply to him. That'll be fun.

Definitely won't be sticking them back together. Should I just get rid of the male rooster?

Thanks for all the replies.


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