Malpositioned/shrink wrapped duckling?! HELP!



Jan 23, 2019
Hey y’all!!

I’m new to this forum and new to hatching ducklings. We have had ducks for a year now and these are our first babies... I have read many threads here on what to do... we are currently on day 30 and I’m a little worried...
I feel like this little Guy is malpisitioned and possibly shrink wrapped... but his veins are massive at this end and I don’t know what to do.
I have kept him moist with coconut oil and alternated with warm water every two hours...
but he looks like he is getting weaker and he hasn’t pipped yet.
You all seem so kind so please if you have any advice we would greatly appreciate it!


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Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

If he hasn't pipped yet it because it isn't ready... Maybe your temp was low?

Why did you peel back the shell already? Did you have others hatch?

I would crank up my humidity and leave it alone... forcing something to hatch that hasn't even pipped doesn't often end well in MY experience.

@WVduckchick any suggestions here?

:welcome Glad you joined us!

I'm also curious if others hatched and why you removed the end of the shell.

Seeing your avatar, are the ones hatching pekins? What type of incubator are you using?

I would also assume your temperatures may have been low, if they are truly on day 30. (are you sure? Its a very common and easy mistake to make) But seeing where you are, I would probably prick a very small hole near the tip of the ducklings bill, just enough to give it some air. I think it would have a hard time breaking the membrane, now that it has been moistened with the oil, it is more pliable and stretchy (good to keep it from drying out, but could impede the ducklings ability to break through it) Then leave it alone for several more hours, only keeping the membrane moistened with coconut oil (don't alternate with water, just use the oil). And then keep waiting.
Sorry I couldn't wait..:idunno
What breed of Duck are you hatching?
Why open the egg if it wasn't pipped externally. What temperature was the incubator at and the humidity?
Don't add water to the egg because water actually draws out moisture. Vaseline the opened part and wrap some cling wrap over that. Put it back in the incubator and up the humidity for lock down. It might not survive though.
I wouldn't normally recommend breaking into the membrane. It usually doesn't end well. But with that much already exposed, I think it will need to be done eventually. Later may be better than sooner, but it could also quit by then, so :idunno
This is a scary one for sure. I'm sure that's still it's yolk sack in the left of the picture too. I wouldn't open the membrane at all unless it gets active to pip at all?..
This is a scary one for sure. I'm sure that's still it's yolk sack in the left of the picture too. I wouldn't open the membrane at all unless it gets active to pip at all?..

The yolk sac "should" be in the other end. I'd like to hear more details from the OP before we scare the crap out of her. :D
Definitely not my intention...

I didn't mean that it was your intention. I should not have said "we".... I meant myself. I don't want to scare her. There are several ways this could go.

But I gotta get to work anyway. Hopefully she comes back, and you can help her out!

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