I had a duck hatch several eggs and one of them cracked and was bloody, it eventually hatched out and was lifeless and the mama duck was stepping all over it. So, I put it in the incubator for several days and it wouldn’t stand but just twitch its legs. Finally it started standing so I put it in a tote under heat lamp and now it’s running around and as healthy as can be at 2 weeks old. So I decided to put it with the mama duck and other 4 babies (they are a little bigger than the one I took in) but now she and the babies keep chasing it around until it goes into a corner away from them. They won’t let it under the heat lamp or in the coop (coop is in a 10x10 dog kennel). I’m not sure if I should leave the duckling out there and see if they integrate or if I need to bring it back in so it doesn’t get too cold. The duckling is hers so I figured she would recognize that it is but maybe not?
Help with any advice!
Help with any advice!