Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

i don't know how often they lay, but we've had
cooler weather this weekend and forecast to be cooler this coming week,
after having 65-75 for the past week or two and I just peeked in the
nestbox and there are 14 (!) Mandarin eggs! What's she waiting for? I've seen

her in there some, probably laying another egg, but not truly sitting. I want to
let her do the work for 3 weeks or so, then pull them all into my incubator to
finish...but it won't work if she doesn't start sitting. Aghhh! I thought they
only laid about 9 eggs then decided to start setting...what is she doing?
got it. Thanks. Hands off...can she cover that many though? Someone the Mandarin yahoo forum mentioned taking some and using another bird who is broody (Silky, or another duck) to help incubate them. Any thoughts on that?
She can cover 14. The most I ever had one hatch was 16 out of 20 eggs! So I know she can. LOL! You can let another bird incubate if you want also but she is more than capable.
She can cover 14. The most I ever had one hatch was 16 out of 20 eggs! So I know she can. LOL! You can let another bird incubate if you want also but she is more than capable.

WOW! 16 babies in 1 clutch! Wow!

I'll leave them in there and stay far away...unless I'm feeding them or changing their pool water, more sneaking and peeking into the nestbox. (until 3+ weeks into her settting anyways....) Thanks!
yup, I know. I want to finish them in my bator indoors so they don't run around like crazy little hopping mice and get stuck somewhere, escape or die. I lost 3 last year like that. Too many little places that teensy ducklings who freak out over nothing can get caught in.
Went to a local poultry auction Saturday & DH was taken back by the pretty Mandrains, so of course we came home with a pair. This is their quarentine pen that we threw together yesterday. Plan on putting more rocks around their swimming spot this afternoon. He seems much calmer than her, but they are so pretty!


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