Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Who has White Marans? I would love to have some Whites if I could find them, all the pics I have seen of them are absolutely beautiful but I never see them offered how come?
It may be early but anyone want to take a guess at sexing these? All from Kim's stock... All are 7-10 days old...

Bill x Blue Daughter = Splash 1


Bill x Blue Daughter = Splash 2



Gnarles x BCM = Blue 1


Gnarles x BCM = Blue 2


Gnarles x BCM = Blue 3



Pics of my Blacks to follow... Thanks,
Yes missouri is my home. I was bad and picked up a few young black copper marans hens that just started laying, he also had for sale and got a blue rooster to boot. I will post a few pictures in a bit. Was really inpressed with there flock espically the wheatons, BCM, and blues. There wheatons by far had the best egg color and all the stock had feathered shanks which was a big plus.

Also ended up with 6 dz instead of 4 dz hatching eggs I ordered. He just wanted to make sure I had a good hatch. lol I bators are full at moment good thing I have more ducks hatching this week and some rhode islands. Got to keep room for my mother n law she will be calling saying Im ready for you to hatch some soon. lol
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Hiya, Steve! Holy cow - is it me, or do those chicks have some UBER long toes? BEAUTIFUL babies!

Deb and FLgg thanks for the info on the funky egg splotch. That gelatinous egg looked completely alien!

Here in Europe whites are getting more popular. I hatched out a few just for fun, and ended up with... 3 roosters. One has blue legs and no feathers and a funny comb, but the other two are quite nice. They are just 9 weeks old, but they're full of character - probably the silliest of the bunch. In the same hatch were some wheatens - overall my favorites, they are just so calm and nice to look at, but I got some really mellow BC's out of the bunch as well, including a hen that is really the first BC hen that I would be very sad if I lost. She's really big - bigger than all the roos still, and just so calm, just like the wheatens. And at 9 weeks has nice copper coming in, and a beautiful comb, and no smut in her eyes! Her leg feathering is a bit sparse, no feathers on the toes, but that's so not a big deal to fix. These were all from Germany. The whites love to perch when the others like to bunch up on the floor. They also do that crazy dash, flap U-turn, dash back thing more than the others. Not sure what I'm going to do with the two good roosters. Might try to hatch some more eggs later this fall and try to get some hens out of it. No hatching for the time being (at least any that I'm raising myself) I feel like I've hatched non-stop since October, and I'm ready to be done for awhile... especially since baby#2 is due in 6 weeks.

I'll try to post some pics of this batch soon.
I think there is a good reason to keep Marans recessive white. It minimizes the yellowing from the sun, and you are certain your bird is homozygous for white, and will breed true. This is not true for dominant white.

I'm not trying to be contradictory, it's just confusing for folks when they find conflicting information on this forum.

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