March Hatch A Long... anyone with me??

My first try in Feb with 18 eggs were 2 days late. I had some tepm drops, and that seemed to delay hatch day. We ended up with 6 heathy chicks
. Do not give up just yet. That was advice given to me and they were right. I had almost thrown all the eggs away to put my new batch in. I really hope you get a few chicks
Good luck.
How long have you guys had to wait for the yolk to reabsorb?
still dragging it this am... seems like 24 hr should be enough...
he's waiting alone in the bator and is starting to snuggle with the unhatched eggs!
Ment to post this Saturaday night when I candled (day 15).....out of the 15 mail ordered Barrdie eggs, 7 are good and the other 8 either started to develop and stopped or never got going in the first place! I think that as long as all 7 hatch then those odds were pretty decent for mailed eggs.

Candled the 6 mail ordered Asil eggs in the same night (day 7) and those odds arent do good. I think I have two maybe three viables out of the six, but Im really being to hopefull to reach two, I might get one. Yay, one Asil chick with my luck it will be a rooster.... Im candleing those again tomorrow (day 10) to see if I can get a better read on who might be growing....
We have 30 silkie and 4 random farm lot eggs (All Fertile and looked good when candled at day 17) in the hatcher and due to hatch on Wednesday (March 9)!! Our first time with the incubating process!! 5 Saxony ducks still in incubator until we put them in hatcher Sunday Night!!!! We maintained a temperature of 99 -101 and a humidity of 55% to 60%. They are now at 99.5 degrees and 65% humidity. Good luck everyone hatching in March (anyone with us on the 9th?)
Looks like my hatch is done. Out of 18 eggs, I have 4 healthy peeping fuzzy buttz! That may not sound like a good percentage, but with the constant temperature problems I had I think I'm very lucky anything hatched at all.
Now to get the bator cleaned up and ready for the Barnevelder eggs I'm getting!

who are you getting the Barnie's from?
I am looking for some too! (and I live pretty close to you prolly)

I just went over the phases of the moon with a friend who's relatives have raised fowl for years...
they only set eggs to hatch on the waxing near full moon...
so, that said, you should set them on the 24th to the 26th. :)

I had a hatch this weekend, which was not great, and my hatch showed it! it was the waning moon to new...
Are you planning to improve your bator so the temp is rather steady? I've done it and wow... what a change!!
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Just put in 8 salmon fav eggs. No idea if they are fertile. Never seen the roo try with any of the hens so just hoping.

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