Mature duck niacin deficiency


Pekin duck mom

Nov 21, 2020
I have a 5 pekin ducks that I got for my dad for Father's day. They all seemed healthy! We keep them in our backyard and we have a pool for them to swim in and a large coop for the night. But a while back, I think it was around July or August, one of our ducks came up lame all of a sudden! I didn't think much of it as we had company for a month from out of state. Obviously I didn't really have time to think about it. Finally, they left, things got back to normal and I was able to take a closer look at Lucky (that's his name) it seemed as though he had broken his leg! So I (after lots of research) bandaged his foot and began treating him for a broken leg. A couple days later, it had only got worse, now he couldn't walk at all! I unbandaged his foot and began looking into possible illnesses that heven might have got. I thought maybe botulism, worms, parasites, etc. I then heard of niacin defficentcy and the symptoms matched. I have been treating him with "Spring Valley" niacin for about 3 weeks and he is still lame and has discharge from his eyes, bill, etc but is still happy, gromming himself, bathing himself, and eating fine! I'm just worried....I lost my baby goat who I really loved, earlier this year due to cocciciosis and can't stand the thought of loosing him too! Any idea how to treat this or how long it will take him to recover? Or even any thoughts of what else it might be? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Also, the picture is Lucky when we bandaged his foot (you can see the purple vet wrap) lol.


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I have a 5 pekin ducks that I got for my dad for Father's day. They all seemed healthy! We keep them in our backyard and we have a pool for them to swim in and a large coop for the night. But a while back, I think it was around July or August, one of our ducks came up lame all of a sudden! I didn't think much of it as we had company for a month from out of state. Obviously I didn't really have time to think about it. Finally, they left, things got back to normal and I was able to take a closer look at Lucky (that's his name) it seemed as though he had broken his leg! So I (after lots of research) bandaged his foot and began treating him for a broken leg. A couple days later, it had only got worse, now he couldn't walk at all! I unbandaged his foot and began looking into possible illnesses that heven might have got. I thought maybe botulism, worms, parasites, etc. I then heard of niacin defficentcy and the symptoms matched. I have been treating him with "Spring Valley" niacin for about 3 weeks and he is still lame and has discharge from his eyes, bill, etc but is still happy, gromming himself, bathing himself, and eating fine! I'm just worried....I lost my baby goat who I really loved, earlier this year due to cocciciosis and can't stand the thought of loosing him too! Any idea how to treat this or how long it will take him to recover? Or even any thoughts of what else it might be? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Also, the picture is Lucky when we bandaged his foot (you can see the purple vet wrap) lol.View attachment 2420776View attachment 2420776View attachment 2420776
And why were puppy pics attached? They are so cute though! :D
Sudden lameness doesn't really fit the description of a niacin deficiency. You tend to see some pigeon-toed feet, or bowed legs at first, and then after a week or two, they start getting more inactive to the point where they become paralyzed.

I can't rule that possibility over the internet, but it's worth considering other causes.

Could you try to get a video of the duck walking, or trying to? Even if we can see her legs in water that may help. Have you tried picking her up, and feeling/looking for swelling, warm spots, discoloration, lesions on the footpads, etc?

Continue with the niacin supplementation, because it'll still do good even if that's not her problem. You can find info in the link @Laura_BelgianBantams_63 posted.
I'm sorry I didn't realize that they were!
Sudden lameness doesn't really fit the description of a niacin deficiency. You tend to see some pigeon-toed feet, or bowed legs at first, and then after a week or two, they start getting more inactive to the point where they become paralyzed.

I can't rule that possibility over the internet, but it's worth considering other causes.

Could you try to get a video of the duck walking, or trying to? Even if we can see her legs in water that may help. Have you tried picking her up, and feeling/looking for swelling, warm spots, discoloration, lesions on the footpads, etc?

Continue with the niacin supplementation, because it'll still do good even if that's not her problem. You can find info in the link @Laura_BelgianBantams_63 posted.
OK I will try to get a video
And why were puppy pics attached? They are so cute though! :D
Sudden lameness doesn't really fit the description of a niacin deficiency. You tend to see some pigeon-toed feet, or bowed legs at first, and then after a week or two, they start getting more inactive to the point where they become paralyzed.

I can't rule that possibility over the internet, but it's worth considering other causes.

Could you try to get a video of the duck walking, or trying to? Even if we can see her legs in water that may help. Have you tried picking her up, and feeling/looking for swelling, warm spots, discoloration, lesions on the footpads, etc?

Continue with the niacin supplementation, because it'll still do good even if that's not her problem. You can find info in the link @Laura_BelgianBantams_63 posted.
He looks pigeon toed to me. So idk. I've been trying to find out what is wrong with him forever! I really appreciate your help!
yes I have looked countless times at his legs and feet and they look normal. You can see the discharge from his eyes and he is also a little dirty. Due to being sick, he also got wet feather a couple weeks ago so I've been limiting his swim time. Is that wrong? He had a bath today after I took that video. I see what your saying and i agree that he may have something else but at the same time he might have been pigeon-toed and I didn't realize it. Any ideas though on anything else it could be and how I could treat him? I am still trying to upload the video....sorry


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yes I have looked countless times at his legs and feet and they look normal. You can see the discharge from his eyes and he is also a little dirty. Due to being sick, he also got wet feather a couple weeks ago so I've been limiting his swim time. Is that wrong? He had a bath today after I took that video. I see what your saying and i agree that he may have something else but at the same time he might have been pigeon-toed and I didn't realize it. Any ideas though on anything else it could be and how I could treat him? I am still trying to upload the video....sorry
Another puppy!😆😆😍😍🐶🐶
yes I have looked countless times at his legs and feet and they look normal. You can see the discharge from his eyes and he is also a little dirty. Due to being sick, he also got wet feather a couple weeks ago so I've been limiting his swim time. Is that wrong? He had a bath today after I took that video. I see what your saying and i agree that he may have something else but at the same time he might have been pigeon-toed and I didn't realize it. Any ideas though on anything else it could be and how I could treat him? I am still trying to upload the video....sorry

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