Mean hen


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2024
We picked up a few 1.5 year old hens yesterday. One is very mean. It keeps biting my daughter’s lip and today it caused her lip to bleed. What do we do? Our OG flock is super friendly. Some of the new hens we took in are just mean.

My daughter holds it at her waist and the hen stretches its head to attack her.


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Her face was pretty far away but the bird stretched its neck. Are you recommending to hold the bird backwards?

Or may end up at freezer camp. I’m pretty mad. We’ve never had a mean chicken so this is a first.
Yep, holding her facing behind you helps, if you're carrying them around. Ir avoid holding them.
It escaped the yard and we chased it before dark to get it back into the coop. Next time I’m leaving it outside 😆
I had the same problem, only difference it was a cockerel that pecked my lip. He also pecked other peoples lips. All you had to do was get close enough and he would jump up and peck your mouth. It only took one peck to break skin. He broke my skin twice in two different occasions. That's when I realized he had a problem with healthy looking lips.

I didn't stop handling him though, I would always be prepared and tuck my lips in every time he would get close. He was a little mean to his siblings as well, therefore, I would isolate him outside the coup for a few hours. He always wanted to get back in with his brothers and sisters. As he grew up, it didn't seem to be a problem any more. But I did sell him along with 6 other cockerels. Unfortunately I could only keep 2 roosters.

I would suggest to either sell the mean chicken, make soup, or don't have your daughter get close to that chicken. Perhaps separate your mean chicken outside of the area where your daughter is interacting with the rest of the flock. Chickens are very social animals, therefore separation does kind of teach them a lesson. Make sure the mean hen can see the rest of the flock with your daughter and if she wonders off, that's ok too. Just retrieve her once you and your daughter are done interacting with the flock. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem, only difference it was a cockerel that pecked my lip. He also pecked other peoples lips. All you had to do was get close enough and he would jump up and peck your mouth. It only took one peck to break skin. He broke my skin twice in two different occasions. That's when I realized he had a problem with healthy looking lips.

I didn't stop handling him though, I would always be prepared and tuck my lips in every time he would get close. He was a little mean to his siblings as well, therefore, I would isolate him outside the coup for a few hours. He always wanted to get back in with his brothers and sisters. As he grew up, it didn't seem to be a problem any more. But I did sell him along with 6 other cockerels. Unfortunately I could only keep 2 roosters.

I would suggest to either sell the mean chicken, make soup, or don't have your daughter get close to that chicken. Perhaps separate your mean chicken outside of the area where your daughter is interacting with the rest of the flock. Chickens are very social animals, therefore separation does kind of teach them a lesson. Make sure the mean hen can see the rest of the flock with your daughter and if she wonders off, that's ok too. Just retrieve her once you and your daughter are done interacting with the flock. Hope this helps.
Thank you
I don't handle my birds very often, as in almost never. I just watch them, so in my mind I am asking why is she holding the bird? There are a lot of other chicken people like me out there, sell her, you are never going to like her. Just because you got her, you are not obligated to keep her.

Mrs K
Thank you.
Why cook the bird if your the one making the mistake? Not to be rude, tell your daughter to not hold her, problem solved. Chickens will be completely fine if you dont hold them. And will eventually learn your the food person, and not bother you.

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