Meat Birds VS Pets

I feel exactly the same way. I am a vegan. Factory farms torture animals and destroy the enviornment and we do not need meat. People would live much longer if they didn't eat so much meat. You can get enough protein from eggs layed by happy free range hens. You don't even need eggs, you can get enough protein from the proper mix of grains. I can't feel content about killing millions of animals for no reason other than our desire for a tasty meal. It was hard for me to stop eating meat when I quit, but I just forced myself to watch footage of the treatment and killing of food animals. It worked instantly.
I agree with you entirely. I want to know my food has had a good life before it gets to my plate. We eat the game that my husband shoots (when he hits it!!) and that is why we tried meat birds. It is just unfortunate that the meat breeds grow so fast. We kept them in with our layers but I would not do that again. they eat so much that they got much bigger than my other girls very quickly and the old girls became quite stressed having to compete for the food.
I try to ensure I only buy "happy" chicken meat in our supermarket that you know has been allowed to walk around, peck, scratch and groom with some time outside. It costs more of course but I will pay rather than try to rear my own.
I have my egg chickens and soon will have my meat chickens. I love all my animals but here they all have a purpose. When the layers stop laying, they have to go onto a plate due to the fact that my hubby will not allow me to feed a chicken that is doing nothing.

My meat birds will supply a nutritional meat for our family that is not injected with alot of hormones and antibiotics. I have never culled a chicken before, but knowing our family will be eating better makes me want to do it much the more.

But the only time ours layers will be eaten is when they are no longer laying.
I'm one of those dummies who get too close to my meat birds. I have a few
of them now that I'm dreading having to cull. I know I'm breaking the rules
but hand feeding scratch to them, holding, talking to, and petting them is just
something I can't resist doing. They are wonderful birds (Freedom Rangers).

This makes it harder on me but that's ok. My first rule with meat birds is to
care for them and respect them as living creatures up to, and even after the
point of culling.

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