Meat breeds for legs


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jul 24, 2019
Boston Area, MA
My Coop
My Coop
I have occasionally entertained the idea of raising a couple chickens per year for meat in my small pet & egg flock. So I was wondering what breeds you guys would recommend for meat, for a family that hates chicken breast :lol: So much selection and work has gone into the enormous breasts on meat chickens... But has anybody ever selectively grown meat birds for legs and thighs? Any breeds out there that have huge juicy thunder things and tiny boobs? :D
Rangers for sure. A five pound cx will have roughly one pound of breast meat. Same size ranger will have half of that. But as a clarification, most of the weight for rangers is the thighs. Not the legs. I have a weight break down of different cuts for freedom rangers somewhere. I'll try and find it this morning.
Thanks everybody! Looks like Rangers are the winner. I'll look into getting some. My default choice was Orpingtons, because they get big and grow proportionately, and are easy to keep. I ate some last year when I had to cull the males, and they were delicious. Plenty big by the end of summer (I don't need them to balloon overnight the way Cornish X do, I can wait). Would you say Rangers have more dark meat than Orpingtons do, relative to body weight? If I wait for either to be full(ish) grown before butchering.

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