Meet My fluffy butts!


Mar 17, 2021
Milton, Florida
So my babies are inside birdies. I have 3 Bantams and one standard size. My bantams are Frizzle Serama Roo General Pinecone, Molted Bantam Cochin Sweet Potato Pie my yellow and black one, and Pumpkin Pie my black one. Then we have my precious Welsummer Ayam Cemani cross hen Chicken Dumpling. She was attacked by a racoon and survived. These are my pretty babies.
Sweet Potato Pie is a daddy's girl, Pumpkin pie is a mommas girl, lil pinecone knows he's gorgeous!!! And Dumpling is the sweetest girl ever. She was my first hatched on property bird. We recently had 20 of our babies killed by raccoons in only 4 days. It was awful. So these four are inside and safe!! And they all get along with our five inside cats. Unlikely friends


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Beautiful chickens!

I have a soft spot for Cochin Bantam Frizzles; your boy is quite handsome.

And, how great that your cats and chickens get along!

I am very sorry about the raccoon massacre. I can't imagine losing so many in such a short time and understand why your babies live, safely, indoors.

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