OK, I know I'm going to ramble a bit in this post. But i would love it if you make it to the end. To truly understand how special our newest family member is to our home!
So without further ado, meet our newest family member, Ezekiel Malachi. We got him last night. Had a wonderful lady message me. Asking me if I would be interested in a roo. He is blind in one eye. Due to a fight with another roo on her farm.
So of course I start with my usual questions; do you have a picture, does he have a name and had he been held. She said she hasn't really held him much, but he had a good temperament. But then again, I haven't met an Ayam Cemani with a bad temperament. And she sent me the pics of him, and INSTANTLY I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM!! She said she hasn't named him. So that was my first M.O. Think of a name. Well, im a weird Chicken momma. I can't just think of a name before I meet my feathered butt babies. I always have to see them, hold them, give them plenty of kisses and see their personality. He was the most docile lil man!! From the second I met him I was smitten!!
Now her contacting me was a God sent. The reason for this is due to the fact I had 4 hens and one pullet without a roo in their coop. Now ours can't free range due to forestry near us being cut down and even though we are in city limits, we got a ample amount of foxes running through our neighborhood. And for this reason alone, I didn't like my girls alone. Now I have four coops. The other three have roos, two Ayam Cemani and one showgirl in my bantam coop. But none in my first coop. So I feel like this was the hand of God. Providing my girls with a protector, hence his biblical name. (Almost all my other birds are food names or based off of the trolls movie. Im special what can I say. And as y'all see in the videos, my girls, especially my pullet Chicken Alfredo are very welcoming to him. And he is doing his lil Chicken dance for the ladies and taking dirt baths, so I think he feels right at home here!!! Sorry I KNOW I rambledon A LOT. But I wanted you guys all to know his history and the story why my little man is so very important to our chicken farm. So if you made it all the way to the end. I thank y'all so much!! And let Mr know in the comments if y'all think I talked way to much in my post. Honestly, I don't care either way. As I'm one of those people that cannot shut up. Therefore why my posts are always so long. Sorry about all that. What do y'all think of my little Ezekiel Malachi? And yes I'm from the south, so I use "Y'all" A LOT LOL!!
So without further ado, meet our newest family member, Ezekiel Malachi. We got him last night. Had a wonderful lady message me. Asking me if I would be interested in a roo. He is blind in one eye. Due to a fight with another roo on her farm.
So of course I start with my usual questions; do you have a picture, does he have a name and had he been held. She said she hasn't really held him much, but he had a good temperament. But then again, I haven't met an Ayam Cemani with a bad temperament. And she sent me the pics of him, and INSTANTLY I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM!! She said she hasn't named him. So that was my first M.O. Think of a name. Well, im a weird Chicken momma. I can't just think of a name before I meet my feathered butt babies. I always have to see them, hold them, give them plenty of kisses and see their personality. He was the most docile lil man!! From the second I met him I was smitten!!
Now her contacting me was a God sent. The reason for this is due to the fact I had 4 hens and one pullet without a roo in their coop. Now ours can't free range due to forestry near us being cut down and even though we are in city limits, we got a ample amount of foxes running through our neighborhood. And for this reason alone, I didn't like my girls alone. Now I have four coops. The other three have roos, two Ayam Cemani and one showgirl in my bantam coop. But none in my first coop. So I feel like this was the hand of God. Providing my girls with a protector, hence his biblical name. (Almost all my other birds are food names or based off of the trolls movie. Im special what can I say. And as y'all see in the videos, my girls, especially my pullet Chicken Alfredo are very welcoming to him. And he is doing his lil Chicken dance for the ladies and taking dirt baths, so I think he feels right at home here!!! Sorry I KNOW I rambledon A LOT. But I wanted you guys all to know his history and the story why my little man is so very important to our chicken farm. So if you made it all the way to the end. I thank y'all so much!! And let Mr know in the comments if y'all think I talked way to much in my post. Honestly, I don't care either way. As I'm one of those people that cannot shut up. Therefore why my posts are always so long. Sorry about all that. What do y'all think of my little Ezekiel Malachi? And yes I'm from the south, so I use "Y'all" A LOT LOL!!
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