Metzer Surprise?


Feb 21, 2023
Okay y’all, time to break this down.
I currently have a large adult mixed flock consisting of Cayuga's, Silver apple-yard, Black Swedish, Fawn and White Runners, a Rouen, and Khakis. I’m no stranger to the duck world.

I had five female blue runners ordered from Metzer farms scheduled to ship in May, but I had a broody momma that hatched only one egg, so I had them ship sooner so it wouldn’t be alone. They did say their runners were having a hard time with transit this year so they were going to add in a few extra babes just incase. I got my cheeping package this morning, which had six living birds in it with one that had passed from the journey…

All five of my blue runners are beautiful and doing incredible. There is a bonus little black duckling that I am assuming is a black runner based on its size (all of my previous Cayuga babes were a lot bigger), and this giant flippin’ yellow baby…. and I’m not even kidding y’all, I think it’s a goose.

I just need some outside opinions on if I am looking at a gosling or just a really large duckling 🤣
Full disclaimer:
I’ve never had a gosling.
And I’ve never had a pekin.
I’ve seen a lot of both of those as babies at least.
But.... the head doesn’t look quite right for a pekin....

I’m just going to cross my fingers (but not hold my breath) that it’s a baby pekin and not a gosling!!!!
I have had both goslings and Pekins, you my friend have a gosling, someone at metzer screwed up your order. You need to call them. and yes, please get another gosling…. If you’re keeping this one. perhaps they’ll ship you two more goslings along with who knows what maybe an emu this time!

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