Meyer hatchery reviews???

@matt44644 thanks! She looks very nice!
@matt44644Wow! Yours are very nice.

The ones I have from Cackle have some BAD tail angles. Both yours and mine look too dark. I am wondering if I can find some lighter ones next spring.



My husband surprised me with baby chicks from Meyer. I had ordered 3 started pullets from them myself to start our flock over. (we lost our first flock and I vowed to only get birds from reputable hatcheries after that) Anyway, I have nothing but good things to say about Meyer Hatchery.
My pullets arrived looking very healthy, and I am delighted that they eat from our hands!
The chicks arrived with a heat pack that was still warm, and all the babies were lively and full of adorable sounds.

They are 1 week now. So far so good.

Customer service was great too. My husband told me they were really helpful with him to get me baby chicks as a surprise in time for my b-day. Super happy with the whole experience.
I ordered 3 birds last August - 2 Ameraucanas and one white crested polish. They arrived promptly and were healthy. They are now about 5+ months old - still healthy and happy. My one Ameraucana is a beauty - she is big and fully muffed, beautifully feathered, and quite full of herself. The other is smaller and muffless (bare head). She was lucky she wasn't culled - you could see that she didn't have the muffs when I got her at a day old. The polish is a little on the small side, but is a great looking bird with a great personality. That said, I did make this order on a Monday and got "the left overs", and in the big scheme of things, I am very happy with the health and vigor of these birds. I did pay a lot of a beardless Ameraucana, but I did get the last of the bunch, and like I said, she is lucky to be alive.

I ordered 6 birds from Meyers back in July. Very happy with them also. Vigorous, healthy birds, and good looking as well. I was REALLY pleasantly surprised when my cuckoo marans hen presented me with a beautiful chocolate colored egg! Maybe only a 5 on the scale, but from what I was reading about hatchery cuckoo marans hens, I was happy to get one that looks significantly darker than the rest - and perfectly formed with smooth coloring.

Really, I would have no reservations about ordering from either company again. Just make sure you post office has a heads up that they are coming and be ready to jump out of bed when they call in the morning! I brought them a nice cake after the second shipment and they really appreciated it. Good luck with your chickens!
OOPs sorry - addendum. The first 3 were from Meyer (ameraucanas and polish) and the 6 were from McMurray. Coffee has not kicked in yet.....
I ordered 16 chicks from Meyers last spring. The chicks were shipped promptly and all were alive and with a tad bit of help for one, they all survived.


I ordered 3 Cream Legbars, two girls and one boy. As they grew up, I could tell that I had three hens and no boys. Just how could Meyers screw up sex link chicks? Male one day old CL chicks have a predominant white spot on their heads! I was actually worried from the start as all three had chipmunk stripes. I called Meyers and they gave me a credit. Thanks for nothing.


The Meyers Cream Legbars are laying pastel green eggs, no where near any shad of blue.


Two of the 16 chicks became very aggressive towards the others an eventually I had to get rid of the two; one copper egger, and one BCM.

And now

My lavender orpington rooster is becoming increasing aggressive to humans especially me. He will even rush the chicken wire when I simply walk around the outside of the run. He is always poised to attack when I am in the run cleaning or tossing scratch and he will attack and not back down. Looks like I will have to get rid of him too. He is huge.

Other issues

The Copper Egger lays the same pastel green eggs as my Easter where near olive. In fact the EEs, the Cream Legbars and the copper eggers all lay the same color eggs. A real bummer.


I will never order form Meyers again. It appears that all their colored eggers lay the same color eggs and there seems to be an aggressive streak in their lineages. And they messed up a sex link order. Meyers needs to start a new flock in my opinion as it appears they have lost any true breed characteristics with their current flocks and results in a bunch of mutts.
Good to know info, Volcanic Egger. I was a little skeptical ordering the Ameraucanas from Meyers. Got one good one out of two tho..... It's pretty bad when you spend quite a bit of money on the rare breeds like them (and the Cream Legbars!!) and you don't get decent birds. I know that a commercial hatchery is not the place to go for quality rare breeds, but if they are going to sell Cream Legbars, they really need to lay blue eggs. And isn't it a little unusual to have a very aggressive Orpington! Good heads up on the olive egger too......

I was happier all around with McMurrays - the hens I got from there are good looking, healthy birds, laying great so far - This spring I am planning to check out a local farmer/breeder I just heard about - It will be nice to actually see the breeding stock and pick my own chicks.
I ordered 16 chicks from Meyers last spring. The chicks were shipped promptly and all were alive and with a tad bit of help for one, they all survived.


I ordered 3 Cream Legbars, two girls and one boy. As they grew up, I could tell that I had three hens and no boys. Just how could Meyers screw up sex link chicks? Male one day old CL chicks have a predominant white spot on their heads! I was actually worried from the start as all three had chipmunk stripes. I called Meyers and they gave me a credit. Thanks for nothing.


The Meyers Cream Legbars are laying pastel green eggs, no where near any shad of blue.


Two of the 16 chicks became very aggressive towards the others an eventually I had to get rid of the two; one copper egger, and one BCM.

And now

My lavender orpington rooster is becoming increasing aggressive to humans especially me. He will even rush the chicken wire when I simply walk around the outside of the run. He is always poised to attack when I am in the run cleaning or tossing scratch and he will attack and not back down. Looks like I will have to get rid of him too. He is huge.

Other issues

The Copper Egger lays the same pastel green eggs as my Easter where near olive. In fact the EEs, the Cream Legbars and the copper eggers all lay the same color eggs. A real bummer.


I will never order form Meyers again. It appears that all their colored eggers lay the same color eggs and there seems to be an aggressive streak in their lineages. And they messed up a sex link order. Meyers needs to start a new flock in my opinion as it appears they have lost any true breed characteristics with their current flocks and results in a bunch of mutts.
That is terrible. Those birds are so expensive. I am glad I did not get my son's from there. I did order from McMurray too. I am waiting to see how Meyer's and McMurray add up since there are not breeders near me.
So I have to chime in and just say that I have had very good results with Meyers. My first order was last year and I ordered the rare breed pack (15) chick pullets. My second order , 3 buff orps chick pullets that I recieved dec 2. Between the two orders everyone was shipped on time , arrived alive and healthy. I do however have a cockerel now that I wasn't expecting. One of the buffs was sexed wrong but with a 90% garentee I can't complain. Plus what seems as a mistake I think is now a blessing. I plan to breed and hatch our buffs. All in all Meyers is a good choice.

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